Patterson vs Walkill vs Warwick

by Magnum 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    I understand that Warwick is to be the new world headquarters of JWs, Patterson is an educational complex, and Walkill is a literature production center. Am I right?

    Will Patterson continue to be used as it is now after the completion of Warwick? If not, what will happen to it? Wasn't it originally the intent for the GB to be at Patterson (but now Warwick)? It seems that Patterson will be overkill after the completion of Warwick.

    Also, what is the future of Walkill? It seems that printed literature is becoming less common in JWdom. Will there be a need for a complex as large as Walkill?

  • hoser
    They print the magazines for North America in canada.
  • DesirousOfChange

    Is it possible that the plan is to sell the Patterson complex?

    Walkill & Warwick are within 20 miles. Patterson is 50 miles to the east.


  • Magnum

    hoser, so what's printed at Walkill? Do you know?

    Doc, I, too, was wondering whether they might plan to sell Patterson. It just seems like they were hyping Patterson not long ago and it was all the rage. I don't understand why they'd need an educational center as big and complex as it is.

  • brandnew

    They are building in order to sell....

    Flipping commercial buildings , as much as they flip doctrine.

    All about the money, aint a damn thing funny......

    Its like a jungle , sometimes makes me wonder.....

  • insidetheKH

    So the previous situation was a giant headquarters in Brooklyn, Patterson educational center and Wallkill printery and farm.

    Future situation will be less big headquarters at Warwick, Patterson Educational center and Wallkill printery & farm

  • brandnew


    So what happens to all the displaced old timers from the larger buildings? Where are they? .....pension? 401 k ? Retirement doesnt seem very nice huh? As long as the gb have a lavish place to rest their neck...who care how many old timers they gotta step on right? SICK ! ! ! !

  • insidetheKH
    @brandnew that has nothing to do with the question of the topicstarter. Besides that you don't have a clue what you are talking about
  • brandnew
    Notice all the Question marks at the end of my QUESTIONS ?....Thus i wasnt making statements......i was askin questions......If You couldnt answer em.......dont. INSIDE...
  • insidetheKH
    Your question is based on baseless presumptions.

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