C.O. is in town, the harassment begins...

by PeachRose 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anitar


    Thank you for explaining this to me. You see, part of what angers me about the JWs is the cloak-and-dagger manipulative tactics they use to convert the unaware. Even if they're an honest witness, who really thinks they love the person, the're still doing it for selfish reasons because the more you convert, the higher your status goes.

    I'll tell you a story. When I was about five years old, and my parents were still married, the JWs would visit regularly in the summer. We were involved in our own lives, and had our own problems to take care of. We knew absolutely nothing about the JWs. My dad made only one vague comment about why do they keep building their "kingdom halls" when everytime we drive by, it was completely deserted? I remember as a child wondering if having an empty church was their way of worshiping God. Considering what I know now, it's ironic, huh?

    Anyway, we knew them as a "temporary fad religion", like the Motel Six that sits in the dirty part of town for a few years, then quietly goes out of business. They had a Stepford Wife quality about them, like polite but creepy. We thought they were cracked but harmless. So we took their magazine and waved them goodbye. A few weeks later one of us would pick up their literature out of curiosity, and I remember, even at 5 years old, thinking how arrogant it sounded. The way they talked down to the reader as if we were all brain dead morons. They pretended to ask questions while subtly giving you their answer, thereby manipulating the opinion of the uncautious reader.

    I remember feeling a gut instinct that told me to stay away from these people, there's something unnatural about them. Sort of like Pennywise the Dancing Clown in Stephen King's IT. You just knew to run away from him as fast as you can. My mom even told me not to get involved with such strange people. Which drives me nuts because less than ten years later, she would join them, in contradiction to the very thing she warned me against!

    Imagine your mom finishes explaining why you shouldn't stick your hand in the fireplace, then sticks her own hand in instead!


  • itsallgoodnow

    I don't know your situation, peachrose, but in my experience, there are specific evenings to watch out for during the visit. Tuesdays and Thursday evenings are meeting nights and Friday evening is usually the MS/elders' meeting. Saturday mornings, watch out. They could drop by. But typically, around here, the elders try to pin you down a week before the visit, so they don't wander around town aimlessly with the CO during his visit, but have a place to go that's not going to be a not-at-home. Either an excellent study, or a reliable family shepherding call. The only reason they wanted to tell you about it probably is so they could claim they did try to shepherd you at some point in the last six months. It's like a checklist, did they cover everything? yes? ok, next item. that sort of thing.

    UNLESS. unless your hubby was an elder or MS who suddenly stopped attending meetings.

  • PeachRose

    Hi guys-you're the best! It's Friday and so far so good - though my family has told me that they have received phone calls from the elder's wanting to visit them (along with the C.O.). My family still believes and are welcoming the visits. I think tomorrow and Sunday will be the big tests for me - I just know they are gonna come knocking on my door. I will keep you guys posted and let you know what happens on Monday! Thanks again!

  • plmkrzy
    but something tells me that we will receive a "sheparding call"

    same here i'll probably hide

  • shera


    So controlling...Really bites,that people who chose to believe whatever they want,have to go threw so much.Before and after.

    I have always said before,I was the only one in,from my family.I had nothing too loose,accept a few so called freinds.

  • mcsemike

    Anitar: Yes, there is too much cloak and dagger garbage in the WT. Several times I've been called by an elder or MS, even when I was still active, who wanted to ask about another JW. Unknown to me, many times a second brother was listening in on an extension. That is patently immoral, not to mention illegal in most states. Here the elders scream if you try to record or tape a judicial committee meeting and post it on the Internet (there are some, do a Google to find them, they actually threatened the soon to be DF'd brother for saying he might be doing it as they spoke), yet they want total control and intrude into your life by trying to get you to say something and then the second elder is listening and then they've got you. But let a 13 year old girl, along with a few others, all claim that the same elder molested them, and they say "oh no, we need 2 witnesses" or "do you have pictures or proof?". What a bunch of sickos.

    I know this is immature, but sometimes people need to be put in their place. Money isn't always satisfying, especially if you have enough, so lawsuits don't feel as good as other methods. Just once, I'd like to punch an elder in the nose in FRONT of the congregation for doing something obnoxious, like how they treat abuse victims. Just the satisfaction of giving him a bloody nose and humiliating him by laying him out cold on the ground. I know so many elders who need some "stuffing" and "hot air" let out of them. Again, I regret my feeling this way, but I was bullied much of my life and I always wished to see the bully get his. To be honest, it was one of the reasons I joined this cult. All the types of people who picked on the "little guy" were going to die. All the rich, the wise guys, the arrogant, etc. After I got my degree, I learned to analyze the JW's I knew. I discovered that most joined for that reason. I also learned that most men joined because someday they hoped to be important by making elder. Where else can a HS graduate, who is more often than not a loser and jerk, become important, carry a nice leather briefcase, play "executive" at each elder's meeting, and have dozens of people (and ALL women) taking orders from him, and often worshipping his every word?? Only in the JW's. In the real world, this man would be supersizing French fries, not his own ego or self-importance.

    I know some straying off the main point occurs in these threads, and I am no exception. I was severely clueless most of my life as to WHY people did what they did. I had no knowledge of body language, never knew if someone was upset with me (my wife told me things bothered her for TWENTY YEARS yet I never knew it, yet is that all MY fault?) and in college, didn't know that certain women liked me and I should have been asking them out. When I got the degree, I learned mostly how ignorant I was about human nature, then learned to try to fill in the gaps. I wanted to help anyone here with what I was told by professors. MOST of life occurs on a psychological level or plain. The key to understanding life, and especially RELIGION, is understanding PEOPLE and not what they do, but WHY. This concept is far more important than most people realized. Terry W., whose music I adore (and I've been in touch with him), has written many good pieces about this. So has Randy and others. The key to finding what makes JW's, and especially elders, "tick" is rooted in psychology, not the Elder's Handbook or any WT article. I encourage everyone to read Terry's piece on the main page of Freeminds. It is worth the time. (No, I get no money or royalties. LOL) It will just save many people much time and effort.

    JW's, as a rule, are not educated. Nor are they particularly insightful. Many are intelligent, kind, have deep emotions and imaginations. Most of us who were JW's felt we did, isn't that true? But without an unbiased analysis of our personalities, and we won't get that while being JW's (who's going to do it or know how?), we can't grow or recognize the WHYS that occurred in OUR lives when we were JW's. I have had much success in "reading" JW's after I learned why I had become one. I hope this is of value to some people. Again, I don't blame individual JW's, per se, at least not the rank and file. They are blind, ignorant, mean well, and usually don't even know what they are doing. Didn't Jesus, while dying, ask that this type be forgiven "for they know not what they do"? (Nor why?) It's the GB and higher-ups that I blame. The ones who really know the past history, the ones who gloat when they pass rules that hurt those who disagree with them. Rutherford, for instance. An obnoxious drunk who stole his position and bullied everyone who disagreed with him. His "bodyguards" carried canes, almost daring anyone to start something. Like a few canes would stop a mob with guns, right. Can you imagine Rutherford deciding that you WILL receive a shepherding call and showing up with his goons? I truly think I'd need my firearms there, I'm sorry. Whoever is worried about the elders dropping in on you, at least you are safe from harm. The worst that they will do is slam your gate if you tell them to go away.

    How many of us REALLY studied ALL the religions AND the WT's past history?? Come on, REALLY? I have the actual Studies in the Scriptures by Russell. I KNOW what they taught. The WT published ONE book years ago that skimmed several religions, pointing out their faults. (I can't remember the name.) Of course we all know it was dishonestly slanted from their point of view. And here is my point. The same pattern of sucking up to the public with kindness, while all the time lying. Then AFTER you join, the iron gate slams shut and you are stuck. Just like my distant cousins of Sicilian origin. You don't retire, they retire YOU, permanently. There was a joke page on the internet once comparing the Pope to the WT Society. There was also one comparing Rutherford to Al Capone. They were funny as hell. But what was more disturbing was the fact that they were true.

    Well, I didn't mean to write a book. I just think it's sad that this emotional damage affects so many people. No one should be afraid in her own house. It doesn't say very much for Jesus when his "true followers" act this way. Of course, Jesus doesn't approve, so it's the WT that looks bad. I hope someday to get them all at one shot. Then this nightmare will be over for us and maybe the world can move on. My best to all. Oh, if you REALLY don't want a surprise visit, borrow a pitbull and chain it to the gate.

  • PeachRose

    MC-what you said is so very true! It's so funny how the elders won't DARE allow you to tape a "meeting in the back room" or sheparding call, but will require all this proof if a JW is filing for divorce (and wants a scriptual divorce) because her spouse cheated on her. It's pathetic and sad!

    What you said about the JW's being uneducated is right on the nail. They are trained to think in a "one track mind" and not go to college to learn new ideas that might influence their JW judgement and make them question things. When I think back to how ignorant I was - thinking all my science teachers in school didn't know what they were talking about because the Creation book painted a different picture. I want to laugh at my own ignorance! How very sorry I am for even thinking that scholars, professors, and people with Masters degrees were wrong and I was right! ~shaking my head~

    Ehhh...you live and learn right?

  • Anitar

    This is probably near the end of the thread, so I'll finish by saying good luck to Peach Rose, just take it one day at a time, and remember we are here for you.

    Mike, I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you feel better. For your bravery and intelligence, you deserve the Medal of Honor. I confess to a desire to hurt them too, like they hurt me. I once spit in my mom's face after a particularly volitale arguement about religion. I felt good for one millisecond, then I felt dirty, because I knew I had stooped to her level, just like she wanted. And sure enough, without even the slightest bit of shock or hesitation, she launched into a tirade about how Jesus's people will be hated and persecuted. They want you to hit them, it will only further their delusions of grandeur.

    You really want to hurt them? Laugh at them, tell them you don't even have the time to tell them how pathetic they are. Nothing makes them angrier than humor or indifference. Then you will walk away knowing that you did the right thing, and that God is pleased with you.

    For years I have struggled to find a single thought, one single sentence that sums them up, and at last, I think I have it. You see, when they run their mouths, with all their inane babble trying to make you believe what their saying, remember this: they're not really trying to convince you, they're trying to convince themselves. I'll leave you with this quote:

    "And he biled upon the whale's white hump, a sum of all the rage and hate, felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it." -Moby Dick


  • kilroy2

    post a note on your door saying, Due to a virus, I will be sleeping most of the day and night, please do not ring the door bell or knock at this time, you may return at a more appropriate time.

  • mcsemike

    Anitar: Thanks for the kind thoughts. I have my good days and bad days. I mostly want the WT destroyed so they can't hurt more people, especially the children.

    There is a quote that says something like: "The more a person tries to prove something to you, the more he isn't sure it's true himself, therefore he desperately is trying to get YOU to believe it so that HE is reassured that it's right." Well, something like that. I hope I made the point. I really think they know it's all garbage, a pipe dream. Pipe dream?? The origin of that expression, according to some historians, is OPIUM pipes. People so out of it, whatever they thought about or dreamed about was just a fantasy. When you look at the WT's beliefs with that analogy in mind, it kind of changes things, doesn't it?

    Good luck to all who need it. I hope some of these suggestions help those in the future who feel trapped.

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