Has the rules changed?

by pratt1 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 30girl

    That's one lenient BOE. My girlfriend was disfellowshipped for dating her now current husband. Then again, the local congregations were famous for going on witch hunts and it was particularly ironic that her father was KING of telling people how they should raise their children -- Presiding Overseer, haughty, insincere, EXTREMELY judgmental and whamo! His daughter starts dating a worldly guy, rumors circulate and get out of control, speculations were made and the body that her own father had trained to be omniscient and heartless when they dealt with the rest of the youth in the Hall turned on his own and DF'd her. Even more ironic, her father was offended when there was a talk given on associating with anyone DF'd and the talk made specific points about sitting with relatives and offering them support(she used to sit with them at the meetings) -- he left the meeting all upset, my mother (being sincere in her question, as they are friends) asked him what was wrong and her told her, "how would you feel if you were sitting there listening to comments about you from the stage and everyone knows it's directed at you"? Guess he didn't like a taste of his own medicine, they never do. This particular brother was one of 3 who rejected my application to pioneer (they formed a committee) on the basis that I was seeing my current husband. I denied that we were a couple because we weren't yet and when he continued to insist he pressed on with the issue saying "my daughter seems to think you're a couple" mmmmm, yes, that took the cake! My husband and I were both baptized, I had graduated high school early with the intention to pioneer and I was an outstanding publisher in good standing, we both were. The big deal, I wasn't quite 18 yet. I found it ironic that he used to measure all the kids in the congregation according to his perception of his daughter, we all knew her and knew better subsequently so did our parents. Once things hit the fan with his daughter everyone couldn't help but feel vindicated as he had been overly oppressive with the rest of the parents and their children in the Hall. Today my girlfriend won't talk to me. She is reinstated and spends all her free time with her parents. I feel sorry for her. Once she was reinstated they haven't let her out of their sight, even though she's married. She's a shell of a person now, I think they did get her soul.

  • AgentSmith

    "She's a shell of a person now, I think they did get her soul."

    That is really sad. And there are so many more stories like that....

  • Y I Man
    Y I Man

    My brother is still in da troof, he is seeing a girl from another congregation, they are both baptized. Now he baisically lives at his girlfriends house even though her dad is an Elder!!!


  • bubble

    My sister is married to a non believer and when she started dating him she was publicly marked. She had been a regular pioneer for 8 years and had to stop. Everyone in the cong didn't really understand the marking arrangement so they all basically just shunned her.

    She is still happily married 9 years later and is still a very active jw. Her husband is very friendly to all the jws and sometimes attends meetings, but has no intention of ever becoming a jw. The cong stopped shunning her after about 2 years!!

    My parents were told that they weren't to attend the wedding, a concept they completely disagreed with. They not only attended the wedding but they paid for it too. My mum is staunch jw and has pioneered on and off for years. She didn't have any privileges taken from her for attending the wedding.

    So I guess it's up to the elders what happens. What god thinks doesn't really come into play.

  • read good books
    read good books

    Yeah it is funny they will allow a marriage to a non-believer but they won't allow an ex-witness to talk to relatives. That just shows how paranoid the GB are of anybody who knows the inside scoop on them, since there are no scriptures that directly say you can't speak to a relative of somebody who use to believe in your religion but no longer does, the society totally interprets the bible to mean that you can't talk to a former JW relative but you can marry a non-believer. Totally interpretating the Bible the way they want, just like the people use to tell us at the door, the JW's interpret the Bible to mean what they want it to..

  • willyloman
    So I guess it's up to the elders what happens. What god thinks doesn't really come into play.

    That's it! We have a winner.

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