The Watchtower and the UN--MY letters and Brochure--

by uninformed 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jayhawk1
    The body of elders framed me. I quit going to the KH in June of 2005. I told one elder, a 'friend' that I was concerned about Memorial in the spring of '06. I told him we would probably just have our own with our family. Following Memorial, he came by my house with another elder and asked what we did for memorial. My wife told them that we had our own. That was all they wanted to hear. Then they charged us with apostasy and disfellowshipped us basically for starting our own religion, I guess.

    This may sound stupid, but when I was a JW, I would come home after the memorial and have red wine and wheat thins. It's about the closest I could get to having real thing. Maybe I should be more thoughtful and have low sodium ones in the future. LOL.

  • uninformed
    Following Memorial, he came by my house with another elder and asked what we did for memorial. My wife told them that we had our own. That was all they wanted to hear. Then they charged us with apostasy and disfellowshipped us basically for starting our own religion, I guess.

    Nice. Whatever happened to " For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst" ?


    You can imagine my personal satisfaction--

    Disfellowshipped for having a family discussion about the value of the death of Jesus Christ.

    I can truthfully say that I have never heard of a greater self-condemnation of an organization claiming to be Christian than that.

    Thanks all of you for your upbuilding remarks.


  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I know you are my dad but I just want to tell you how proud and honored I am to have a father and mother that could live all of these years in that organization and then step back and realize that you were wrong and take the steps needed to leave. Bravo!!!

    Love you,


  • skyking

    I know quit well your pain. I found out from a RV that we were part of the UN. The very day the Guardian put the word out to the world, my RV told me about it and asked how we could have done this? I told him it as BS and I would get back to him. [to this day I have never gotten back to him] I went home and look up the Guardian article, then emailed the UN two day later I received reply from the UN stating it was true. I Then called Bethel. Bethel said they just disassociated themselves from the NGO's and told me everything they have told you already. as to why they joined. I then emailed the UN library asking if it was true that they had to become an NGO to have access to the library, I received a email right back say nothing had changed since the establishment of the library. I look up the lybrary on the UN web site and found out that I was lied to. At this time I told the PO in my congregation a man I have served beside for years. Then my brother an Elders for years and my dad an Elder for years.

    My dad looked into the matter trying to prove me wrong, he did his own research, He found out the same as I had.He went ballistic, they soon DF'd him this was on the first Tuesday night on the week of November 2001. They announced him the same night they put me on Restrictions and read both our names from the platform.

    Dad went crazy. We had to put him into the mental hospital, this humble servant that personally studied and brought in over a hundred people into the congregation. Even one of the people he brought in was one of the Elders that Df'd him. Was discarded and thrown out with the trash.

    I read all your letters and the Society's response to you. It all sounded way to familiar.

    Have you ever look deep into the blood stance? I have and I going to PM a something for you to read. I sent this to the Society and was asked to keep my mouth shut. I trust your knowledge and years of service.

  • uninformed


    What a sad story you have!

    I am amazed how quickly you were on to this thing. I probably didn't hear about it for several months, and then I agonized over it for over a year and a half before I started down the road to disfellowshipping.

    My heart goes out to your father. He reminds me of me. This thing almost drove me crazy too.

    I am looking forward to your references on blood.

    have you seen the "Safe Blood 2000, Nicaragua" web page? If you put that in yahoo search and then when you find the site, go to page 53-55. It even tops the UN deal for arrogance and evil on the part of the WT.

  • skyking

    When my dad was finally released from the mental hospital he looked old and tired he aged 10 years in a short few months he is in his late 70's. He loved being there, he said it gave him time to reflect. He also liked that he had a therapist that listened to his pain. He decided it was best to get back into the BORG because he loves his wife so much there was nothing he would not do for her and mom is never going to quit. He was reinstated NOv 2004. He hates the BORG for making it appear that he was the bad person and unfaithful one. He has not gone out in the service since he has been reinstated. He thinks what your letters lean towards must be true that they have rejoined the UN under some other name because they lovingly stroke the Harlot with the favorable comments since 2001.

    The only reason dad was reinstated was because some one high up in the Borg wrote the congregation a letter telling them the NGO deal was true. They would not believe me and refused to even touch any papers that I gave them but when one high up in the Borg tells them it is different. They even accused me of forging the response letter the Society sent me. They refused to call the Society for themselves saying it was a waist of their time and the brothers back at Bethel because it could not be true. They laughed at my letter given to me from the Society and told me they knew it was written by me because of the stupid reasoning there was no way the Society could of wrote the and this was proof that I forged it.

    I remember at my trial I was told that if the Society told me my left hand was my right, from that time on it was. My dad asked them at his trial, if the Governing body told them this was the last test, if they passed they would be in the in order, if they failed, they would not make it. To go home and kill their family, dad said remember this is from the governing body. They all said a resounding YES. I asked one Elder if this was true that my dad asked them this, he said YES, then said now you I know why we had to DF him.

    What hurts my dad more than anything is after they found it was true not one of them has apologized to him. They aviod him like the plague. Dad and mom just had a 50th wedding anniversary and only three people from the local congregation came. We had over 45 people most neighbors and worldly people that mom really did not considered she friends. She now know who really cares for her. This hurt my mom severely these are the very people she has know her whole life, grew up with and two of them she even dated in high school. These were the very persons she thought would be there for her under thick and the thin. You see while dad was DF'd no one talked to her she felt like she was DF'd now she knows how much she matters to them she could forgive them while dad was DF but not now. They would not go because my GOD DAMN brother called most of them and told them to stay away because I was going to be there. Funny thing he went. Last week she told me she is done, she might go meetings if she feels like it and if she does not she'll stay home. She told me if I have anything that proves the JW's wrong she is now ready to look at the information. Love is the mark of the true faith she told me and she said the BORG does not have that mark.

  • skyking

    I just read my comments above I see I had some grammar errors sorry. I can identify other peoples errors but not my own until after I post.

  • parlay

    Their manner of response towards your inquiry reveals the teeth of a wolf hiding under a sheepskin disguise.

    Their own book Draw Close to Jehovah, on page 117 paragraph 2 says,

    "Jehovah didn't censure Habakkuk for his candid inquiry, for He is the one who instilled in humans the very concept of justice."

    Yet censureship is one of their main methods of dealing with inquiries that expose their wrongdoing.

  • vitty

    I need to bookmark this ifo


  • uninformed

    Their manner of response towards your inquiry reveals the teeth of a wolf hiding under a sheepskin disguise.

    Their own book Draw Close to Jehovah, on page 117 paragraph 2 says,

    "Jehovah didn't censure Habakkuk for his candid inquiry, for He is the one who instilled in humans the very concept of justice."

    Yet censureship is one of their main methods of dealing with inquiries that expose their wrongdoing.


    I enjoyed your comment! I wish that I would have found that quote when I wrote the WT.

    I'm going to save it so I can reference it also.



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