I'd appreciate some insight on what my mother claims was said at assembly

by free2beme 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Doesn't sound true to me but if it were the dubs will be relieved of a lot of stress since up to now not preaching meant being guilty of the blood of those that get killed unwarned at armageddon.

    On the other hand they will lose a lot of income by not peddling the org's products and taht doesn't sound right. It's probably psychological trickery.

  • Gill

    Sounds like another 1975!

    We may have said it but we didn't 'SAY'? Print it.

    'It's just you riff raff JW R and F rushing ahead of Gods only organization on Earth'. Where have I heard that before.

  • dmouse
    A cousin of mine told me her parents are completely fired up and her 72 year old mom will be pioneering in October. Her mom said they are expecting major persecution after the tract is out and this will finally be it.

    Hmmm, I can see that's what they might expect because they actually believe people are interested in what they have to say.

    On the other hand, the tract might upset militant Muslims because they are included in the 'False Religion' bracket - that might cause a few local problems. It's possible JWs will try to deliberately provoke a reaction that instigates 'persecution' which further reinforces the complex.

    As for it being the end of the preaching work - No Chance! I believe your mother totally misinterpreted something.

  • free2beme
    I can see that's what they might expect because they actually believe people are interested in what they have to say

    They still think that people listen too, or care about their little cult. When in reality, that tract will find it's way to many of the local landfill. NEVER READ!

  • Gill

    free2beme - The tracts shouldn't end up in the landfill around here! They should be put into the brown recycling paper bags, then recycled.

    In a few weeks we'll all be wiping our backsides with them! Best use possible for them.

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