by gumby 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rabbit


    I think SIN is a obsessive/compulsive disorder of weak minds transmitted by memes to control their behavior by short-circuiting the rational process of factual analysis.

    Well, you asked!

    Y-e-a-h...well, ya' fer it...or agin' it ?

    Git off th' damned fence !

    Me ? Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't.


  • gumby

    Rabbit....don't associate with Terry. He has big boobs and he's a sinner.....the two worst things a man can have. He'll steal your wallet, your wife, your car, he'd sell you drugs, stolen items, he gets drunk every night and dresses up like a girl.....and he hates Jehovah!

    Please read 1Cor 15:33 and save yourself still have a good 5 years of your life left my friend.(((((((((Rabbit))))))


  • luna2

    You know, gummy, what this board really needs is a picture of Terry dressed up like a girl.

  • gumby

    Quit tryin to get me in trouble Luna!

    Well........ok, here's a pic I got of him when he wasn't lookin.

  • almagothika

    Terry, I enjoyed reading most of what you wrote. However, in my most humble opinion, I don't feel that some of it applies to the Subject being discussed. (Perhaps separate discussions can be started on these.) Further, I found your comment: "it makes no difference whether you kill someone deliberately or accidentally because either way he's dead," a little scary. It's sociopath in nature. I've been taught the Creator/s put in us all a "law," namely, the CONSCIENCE. That is why things such as murder, rape, etc., are globally accepted acts of evil. Were it not for law and order the world would be in anarchy and we would simply be acting like wild animals. (Which seems to be the way the world is currently headed.) Getting back to the Subject: Is ALL sin WILLFUL? Only those who are enslaved by the Bible's, the World's or whomever's teaching or view of SIN need actually address such a question. Many us are simply choosing not to believe in SIN. As the singer Jewel says in her song Intuition: "Follow your heart, your intuition. It will lead you in the right direction."

  • almagothika

    The Subject of SIN strikes home with me, because I'm gay. Being born into the cult, I knew of my orientation at around the age of 10. I was a virgin up to the age of 28. My mother died that same year. I had never felt such emptiness, sense of loss and loneliness. Having been failed by the "faith" and the "brother's" cruel, cold, judgmental "love," I was faced with 2 choices: I either came to terms with it or killed myself. I prayed to Jehovah: "You created me like this; all I want is to love and be loved in return; You are the Personification of Love, and love is a clean, pure, bright, positive energy; there is no SIN in it." What a conundrum: God let's us be born in SIN so he can have reason to punish us later on. Were I to believe in SIN then I would have to concur that NOT ALL SIN IS WILLFUL. Otherwise, if I had to entertain the idea that I am living in a state of "WILLFUL SIN," each day would be an agonizing, maddening, draining struggle. For me it is the same as when a man desires woman, as matter of course, without questions asked or any hesitation. If variety can be seen on everything on this Earth, why can't variety in human sexuality also be a possibility? Even the scientist's are saying that due to the planet's overpopulation and no further need to procreate, humans are evolving (or adapting) by becoming homosexual. Also, the "evolution" (adaptation; mutation) is causing more females to be born than males, and as a result, within the next several centuries there will be no more men on Earth.

  • luna2
    Quit tryin to get me in trouble Luna!

    Gumbo, darling, its not me that gets you into trouble. LMAO! Nice picture...has Terry been tanning?

  • gumby
    Nice picture...has Terry been tanning?

    No.....he takes charcoal and rubs it all over himself to disquise himself cuz he's still a witness.

    His boobs don't look real big there cuz he's bendin backwards and that makes yer boobs go all small. We call him Terry the Transvestite around these parts.


  • luna2

    Gum, Terry is completely ignoring us. Ah well, its still amusing.

    almagothika, very insightful/interesting comments. Not sure about the no more men on earth in a couple hundred years. That's not something I've ever run into before. Of course, I having' been paying attention to anything terribly scientific lately. Hm. Sounds like a good plot for a sci fi novel.

    BTW, your avatar is quite alarming. I'm glad that it isn't bigger.

  • Terry

    To make a choice; one must have a choice to make.

    That is to say: you have alternatives.

    If you have no alternatives and you are compelled to choose without reflection; you haven't made a choice; you haven't exercised your WILL.

    SIN is a condition. The condition is like a congential illness. It can be like having one leg shorter than the other or being born an albino or such.

    The condition isn't chosen and neither is the conseqence which follows.

    The discussion of WILL or FREE will is out of the question when the occasion of "sin" arises.

    How can a person be held accountable for walking with a limp or having pink eyes?

    That is the flaw of God's justice in dealing with humans afflicted by the "condition" of sin from birth.

    Further, no born-again Christian has ever demonstrated an ability to avoid sin. Frankly, all they can do is insist how awful sin is and warn everybody what will happen to them when they succumb.

    So, for all practical, rational and logical purposes it is the height of folly to discuss sin at all in terms of human behavior vis a vis punishment or accountability.

    Human nature is what it is and isn't what it isn't.

    (p.s. Gumby is obsessed with my man boobs! I guess we know what HIS nature is!!)

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