Are those claiming to be annointed, nutters?

by KW13 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    I remember at an assembly someone saying "oh yeh thats such and such, he's can really tell" or something like that.

    Are those claiming, that they are annointed nutters? Did their alphabet spaghetti spell it out for them?

    Personally i think they are either very very confused, big headed or nutters

  • Swamboozled

    I've often wondered about that myself. The only "annointed " person at our hall was a complete nutbag.

  • Gill


    I've only known a few and they were total fanatics when it came to the WTBTS. These ones were around during the early Rutherford days and still had a certain mystical air about them and usually the smell of urine and mothballs to go with it. They were aloof, as would bestate their heavenly calling and spouted totally weird answers during the Watchtower studies that we kids used to piss our pants laughing at.

    As for the newer generation of the 'extra special club' they must need certifying to have such allusions to grandeur!

    Come on now!!! Get real! Why would God want the misfits and malcontents to rule the Earth. We've already got Bush and Blair!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well, the ones I've known who were supposed to be anointed were a little eccentric, to say the least.

    Probably slightly insane as well.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I thinksomequite honestly believe they are anointed. And some actually do seem different but in a good way.

    But then there are some that seem no different than anyone else.

    I had my great suspicions when my ex started saying he thought he was anointed. Anyone who can emotionally and spiritually abuse his wife and physically, emotionally and spiritually abuse his children was a tad nutters if you ask me.

  • Gill

    But doesn't the God of the Bible go round killing and abusing everyone! He plans the ultimate abuse in Armageddon of Revelation.

    Perhaps they are just being like the God they worship....abusive.

  • nowisee


    not only jw anointed, but....

    what about those who are "slain in the spirit"...

    or those who speak in tongues...

    or psychics who accurately predict or observe....

    or faith healers.....

    or dowsing.....

    or any of a number of other "unusual phenomena"...

    what is that stuff??

  • Mary
    I remember at an assembly someone saying "oh yeh thats such and such, he's can really tell" or something like that.

    Karl, the only qualification you need to been seen as annointed is being baptized before 1935. Of course, that's getting harder and harder to come by now, but if you were baptized in say, the 1940s, and aren't totally off your rocker, you can probably still convince most Dubs that you're of the annointed class. Of course, this rule doesn't apply to CO's, DO's, or long time members who are living in New Jerusalem Bethel and who are buying a stairway to heaven; after all, they're just sooooo spiritual that no one would dare question them if they started to partake at the Memorial, even if they weren't baptized until the late 1950s or even 1960s.

    Are those claiming, that they are annointed nutters? Did their alphabet spaghetti spell it out for them?

    Some are, some aren't. I remember an old sister in my Hall years ago who partook of the emblems. She was a real sweetheart and everyone loved her. Whether or not she went to heaven isn't for me to say---that's between her and God. However, there were also some "real nutters" out there who also partook. While I certainly don't believe that someone has to be a Jay Dub baptized before 1935 to get to heaven, some of the ones I knew were wife beaters, alcoholics, child abusers or just plain crazy........

  • DannyBloem

    the most I knew, were certainly in the 'ínsane' catagory.

    Then there were a few that were as you would expect them to be. Nice, friendly, special persons. Those make me wonder, why they use...

  • KW13

    for the most part it seems then, those claiming to be annointed were nutters.

    not only jw anointed, but.... what about those who are "slain in the spirit"... or those who speak in tongues... or psychics who accurately predict or observe.... or faith healers..... or dowsing..... or any of a number of other "unusual phenomena"...

    what is that stuff??

    but wouldn't you agree that those claiming annointed dont have to do anything? for example someone who accurately predicts something, you see that...what evidence do the annointed have to backup their claim?

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