ouija boards

by radar 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • BobsGirl

    Bridgette, Thinkers Wife:

    You two are women after mine own heart. If only I were not married and hopelessly heterosexual.

    I have had episodes of knowingness since childhood.... and being the firstborn of 6 generations of witnesses. I think it is safe to say that I wasn't unduly exposed to what most people would refer to as "demonic influences". I simply know things on occasion that I cannot explain.

    For example, last month, within 5 minutes of meeting a Mormon who stopped by my door to share his version of this worlds truth, the thought "Amy is pregnant" entered my head and were out my mouth before I could think about how embarrassed I would be to have him stare back dumbly. I had no idea that he had a sister in law named Amy ... He came back the following week to tell me that he had received a letter from home informing him that he would soon be an uncle ... Amy is pregnant.

    I can't do it at will and I never know when it will happen, but when it does I am right.

    The only experience that I have had with the ouija board was shortly after the death of a cousin. I couldn't get it to work and was convinced it was a hoax. The owner of the board, who knew nothing of my cousin or her death, joined me. As soon as she touched the pointer the board started to spell my cousin's very distinctive name (so distinctive that I have not heard it before or since on anyone, which is why I am not going to post it here). I started to cry and tremble, my friend had no idea what was going on. My young cousin's message for me was simple. "It is nothing like they told us".

    Darn my spelling ... another edit

    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Tina

    Nice try larc,
    It's unfortunate that mystical ,superstition, magical thinking seem to rule the minds rather than the rational,reasonable and empirical. hugs,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Bridgette

    Bobs girl,
    Yea, I'm hopelessly heterosexual myself. Anyway, I catch those "waves" now and then, also. It happened a lot when I was a child, which was not received well in my JW home. I'm learning to hone them again, however.

    I believe there is a logical, scientific explanation for everything.


  • larc

    Thank you Tina,

    I think it is a lost cause. I have studied stuff like this for a long time. The problem is that people don't want to be confused with facts. Facts take away all the mystery.

    Someone said something about kenetic energy. I didn't use that term. The correct term is kenisthetic (sp?) feedback. There is a world of difference between these to terms.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Hetero, yeah me too. But I do think that if we are attune to our inner self, we could all have these experiences.
    Too cool that the Mormon actually came back to tell you. I am impressed!
    Keep talking, I like your philosophy.
    Larc and Tina,
    To each his own.

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