WTF? Cancelling our Karma.

by Sparkplug 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KW13
    I wear mostly black and white.......with lots of silver........

    you sound like an expensive chess set

    I learned last night that one should google often...!


  • Sparkplug
    My name is Sue........How do you do?!?!??!?!

    funny... I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, I keep my eyes wide open all the time.... (he is the bomb)

  • purplesofa
    I learned last night that one should google often

    lol......makes me think of flossing for some reason karmasofa

  • kimoko

    we got married in a fever, hotter then a pepper sprout weve being goin to jackson ever since the fire went out out :D Johnny Cash is Ace :D ^__^

    But yea Ive got into him since i watched Walk the Line which was a amazing film!

    But anyway back onto topic, I did this stuff in religous studies doin a piece of coursework on it in September me thinks its really interestin talk but alas like in the lesson a lot of it went over my head like it just has now. I just always think of the episode of the Simpsons where Abu like comes back as a worm or something ^_^

  • purplesofa

    so really what are they saying......when your dead your dead? Gone!

  • kimoko

    Hindus believe in reincarnation that if you are like really good in life that you will be born something better like maybe a prince or a jelly fish they are cool but if you are bad then your a slug

  • Sparkplug

    In Hindu beliefs, there was, in the early civilization a period where "the good life was stressed. This good life was defined as...

    Pursuit of dharma (virtue) Pursuit of Aretha (success) Pursuit of Kama (pleasure) (therefore kamasutra) Later, it evolved into the stage where the "life is bad" was stressed. That only through suffering would you obtain a higher position. So seeing life sucks and they want out of this life then they must die. But to kill yourself is theytry to stop the birth death rebirth cycle by making it impossible to be reincarnated. There is what is like a list of your goods and bads and if you have enough good you come back as something good and if you have enough bads you well come back as George Bush. Anyhow if your good and bad equal then you have a zero balance. Then you get or have just attained moksha (or release) in this state you have a death that you can't get back in the cycle from. It is a calm state I believe. See so by throwing a monkey wrench in the reincarnation tye cycle...The don't have to stay on this merry go round. They get to check out and get it done. No return.

  • Sparkplug

    Was that understandable?

  • KW13

    yep the answer is 5

  • purplesofa

    For me it was.


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