Please help with Sparkplug's Assignment!!

by arrowstar 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • arrowstar

    From our Sparky...(who ran out of posts)

    Here is the assignment:

    The paper and presentation should focus on how the societal views of spirituality and religion have been influenced, and how social and political life has been impacted by the selected Eastern religious tradition, then compare and contrast the selected religion to at least one other studied in this course.
    The paper should consist of 2,100-2,450 words.

    My part is to come up with a timeline. Regarding the different people like ghandi and what he changed, and other figures...Do you know any? Sedartha Guatama- Buddhism and hindu, tao, shitzu and auch. I need probablyu a whole page timeline. I need serious help.


  • Arthur

    I'm not quite sure what exactly you are asking.

    Are you looking for other founders of religions and spiritual thought, or are you looking for additional spiritual thinkers and sages within Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism?

  • restrangled

    I am also confused as to what you are asking.

    I will give you this info. While in Israel we toured the church that was built over the grave of where Christ was assumed to be buried. The most remarkable experience during the entire visit was witnessing many religious representatives actually fighting for square footage near this grave inside the church. It was absolutely laughable.

    This included many different religions, with the Catholics being the most prominent, Protestants, etc. They would actually march in their garb near the assumed grave site, arms folded and butt up against the next religious group. This is all they do all day....fight for territory around the grave with arms folded across their chests.

    Weird stuff.


  • kid-A

    I hope it isnt due on monday!!!

  • Sparkplug

    My part is a timeline. It is lets say ghandi....when he did what he did in the year xxxx then this happened. So his spirituality made the place caled XXX be allowed to (whatever fits here)

    next person Sadartha Guatama in the year 560 was born

    lived till 29 a sheltered life.

    Buddism started from his enlightenment.

    See? and yes this is a real tough one for me. I just need people that were maybe icons in eastern religion. Perhaps names I can look up and see what happened around the earth then that was caused by this happening.

    I have to finish a customers photos in the next few minutes. I will be back in about 1 hour... I am so sorry. Just too much happening right now.



  • jgnat
  • Sparkplug

    Thank you, thank you thank you. I have a place to start. I still cant get to them for I am on the last 30 minutes of what I am doing it took longer than thought...but what do you think? check it out. Everything is downloading...tick tick tick I have their permission to use these as model shots...kewl!

  • Arthur

    Here's an idea. I don't know if it will help or not.

    Why not look up or Google the different branches of major religions or religious literature to research who inspired them. For example:

    Different branches of Buddhism: Mahayana, Zen, Hinayana, Lotus Land, Tantric, Tibetan, and Won. You could do the same for branches of Islam, Judaism, etc.

    Here are some religious scriptures and writings that have had a significant impact upon their particular religions as well as culture: Aggadah, Bhagavad-Gita, Book of Kells, Diamond Sutra, Gnostic Gospels, Kabbalah, Lotus Sutra, Midrath, Nicene Creed, Ramayana, Rig Veda, Upanishads, Vedas, and the Yoga Sutras.

  • Lo-ru-hamah


    I hope this helps some. I am particullarly fond of Budah as he is the only other person that I know of that was born on my birthday.

    Sidharta Gautama (Buddha)
    aprox. 560 - 483 BC
    Buddha was the founder of Buddhism, a moralistic religion to escape reincarnation determined by bad karma. by Rit Nosotro ( Last updated: 08/19/2006 23:51:09 )

    "My body reached a state of extreme emaciation. Because of eating so little my limbs became like the jointed stems of creepers or bamboo; my backside became like a buffalo's hoof; my backbone, bent or straight, was like corded beads; my jutting and broken rafters of an old house; the gleam of my eyes sunk deep in their sockets was like the gleam of water seen deep down at the bottom of a deep well." 1

    This was the Prince Siddhartha at the age of thirty-five. For six years, he had practiced the 'severe austerities,' depriving himself of food and water as well as torturing himself in a seemingly endless search for enlightenment.

    Who was this Prince Siddhartha? Better known as Buddha, he was born on April 8, 2 in the year 566, 563 3 , or 560 4 B.C. to King Suddhodana and Queen Maya (also known as Mahamaya or Mayadevi) of Sakya (or Sakhya or Shakya) in present day Nepal. Both of his parents came from the Gautama (or Gotama) clan of the royal warrior caste. Maya died one week after Siddhartha was born, and he was raised by her sister, Mahaprajapati.

    Buddha grew up in the midst of great luxury. When he was born, prophets had predicted that he would either be a great king or a buddha (truly enlightened one.) He would become a buddha after seeing four signs - an old man, a monk, a corpse, and someone who was ill. Siddhartha's father wanted him to become a king, so he kept him away from all places where he might meet such people. When Buddha was either 16 or 19, he was married to a young woman named Yashodhara. Buddha was apparently somewhat content with the life at his father's palace for the first twenty-nine years of his life, but in his late twenties, he encountered the four signs. He began to think about life in general, and came to the conclusion that all things are changeable. However, instead of acknowledging the one true unchangable God, he sought 'enlightenment' to free him from the cycle of reincarnation which he believed existed. To do this, he left behind his wife, son, and family.

    For six years, Siddhartha wandered, begged, starved himself, and tried by other means to find enlightenment. Nothing worked. Finally, he ate a good meal, bathed in a river, and sat down under a tree, later named the Bo-tree, or tree of wisdom, vowing not to leave it until he was enlightened. That night, he passed into a "super-conscious state" and was enlightened. After he came out of the super-conscious state, he danced for seven days and seven nights 5 . Another account says that he meditated for forty-nine days before being enlightened and does not mention any dancing 6 .

    It was at this time that Buddha received his name, which means 'enlightened one'. He was also known as 'Sakyamuni'(sage of the Sakya clan), Gautama Buddha (since that was his family name), or simply 'Blessed One' 7 . He immediately began to tell others of his experience. For the next forty-five years, he traveled, teaching throughout India. The area in which he taught was particularly receptive to the new religion because the former religion had become extremely corrupt.

    Buddha re-visited his family seven years after he'd left it. His wife had also practiced the severe austerities from the day he left, and became the first of an order of Buddhistic nuns. Buddha's son, Rahula, was sent by his mother to ask for his inheritance, and Buddha made him a monk and bequeathed his wisdom to his son.

    Buddha died between 486 and 480 at the age of eighty. It seems that, although feeble, he decided to make one last trip. On this trip, he evidently ate something which caused him to become very ill. He died between two sala trees, teaching up until the moment of his death. His final words were: "Now, monks, I declare to you: all elements of personality are subject to decay. Strive on untiringly!" 8 Many Buddhists think that his power is still present in his relics, and in the many images of Buddha.

  • Sparkplug

    Thanks everyone... i have been rocking and rolling right along. I appreciate it!smooches for everyone. I did not know wehre to start at all. You all got me thinking and that is what I needed. Will tune in a bit later.

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