Recent Talk by CO

by restrangled 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    we are facing the same problem my family have announced they are giving the wts whatever they have left. now they have children, neither of their children are currently active. Wonder how this is going to play out?

    I have members of my family that stopped attending years ago and are well regared by cong and family. My family will not speak tot me b/c i am not attending.

    also, a jws sister i converse with frequently well has suddenly become really cold and odd. i think she may be recording our conversations so i'm being really careful.

    I was told by an elder recently that any jws can view any inactive jws as a DA person. they can decide for thmeselves. they can mark anyone or shun anyone. they just make up the rules as they go. If you are lucky your fmaily is tight and they won't do this, but most are being pressured and not talking to family.

    if these dumb arse people think this will inspire me to return to the KH, hell will freeze over before that would happen.

    this won't work, there are a lotof us. they can only be super righteous for so long, b/c the 'friends' don'tsupport each other, they just let you hang out to dry. The parents who are shunning their kids will eventualy stop b/c of necessity.

  • restrangled

    Dear Wednesday, I hear you and feel your pain. I know our stories always go much deaper, but are not always easy to talk about..

    Your friend,

    R. (amy)

  • Mary
    Wednesday said: I was told by an elder recently that any jws can view any inactive jws as a DA person. they can decide for thmeselves. they can mark anyone or shun anyone. they just make up the rules as they go. If you are lucky your fmaily is tight and they won't do this, but most are being pressured and not talking to family.

    That is so pathetic......but not entirely surprising. Delilah isn't DF'd or DA'd, but most of the people from the Hall will not speak to her if they see her on the street. I'm sure my turn is coming, but more and more I'm getting to the point where I don't give a damn if they speak to me. All of my closest friends have now left the Borg and I've got plenty of "worldly" friends too. Plus I'm lucky. My family (those who still go) would never shun me and would tell the elders to piss off if they tried to force the issue. We believe that family comes first and I'm lucky that my parents were never "strong in the Troof" and don't follow the letter of the laws they've set up. Hell, my father buys $3.00 worth of lottery tickets now each week. He said to me (tongue in cheek): "...It's not gambling. It's the supplement to the pension I was never going to need." LOL!!

    Actually, Restrangled, I was talking about your situation last night when I was at some ex-Dubs' house and they said you can definitely fight this sort of crap in court. There are other cults and TV Evangelists who con widows out of their money and get them to leave everything to "the Lord" instead of their children. If I were you, I would look up in the Yellow Pages under "Lawyers" and see if you can get a free half hour consultation. Or, phone/email a Professor of Law at a University to see if they can give you some input as to what your options are.

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