What religion are you... if any?

by Effervescent 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillconcerned

    Christian. (alive and passionate, but NOT 'religious'...)

  • yucca

    I agree with every word Apostate Kate said. I love Calvary chapel churches. Its all about a relationship with Jesus. Not religionous doctrines.

  • hartstrings

    I've been going to the Unitarian Universalist church. Their philosophy is one of tolerance, they embrace the good in all religions (non-Christian as well). They teach that we are on a path and that there is no right or wrong answer. That sits well with me. I enjoy the thought-provoking elements in the sermons and "talk-backs" and always leave considering all the ways to look at a topic. There are atheists and agnostics in the group and I enjoy their perspective as well.

  • xjwms


    and go through that again?

  • greendawn

    More inclined towards the catholic faith though up to now I keep a certain distance from religion.

    I checked out around 10 states and saw that the JWs do not even register in about half of them the rest give 1%, so indeed the WTS hasn't made much of an impact because people realised that they are no good eg no charity work was ever done by them.

    But the FDS says they have few members because most will not follow the straight and narrow way.

  • Honesty

    jw's aren't even a little blip on the chart for Tennessee. I think there are about 5,000 of them in Tennessee. They'd better get busy.

  • Effervescent
    Finally someone honestly accknowledges that atheism is another religion!

    I apologize... I didn't mean anything by the title, I was just repeating the title of this Flash.

    Crumpet, I'm Christian, but very low key... my husband is athiest so I truly respect that point of view. I'd be the first to tell you I don't have all the answers, or if the one's I've found for myself are the right ones, but they make me happy, so it works for me!

  • funkyderek


    Thank you Crumpet. Finally someone honestly accknowledges that atheism is another religion!

    You're mistaken, of course. I doubt Crumpet's answer can be taken as acknowledging that atheism is a religion, any more than a poll of hair colours answered by "I'm bald" would mean acknowledging that bald is a hair colour.

    I also am an atheist and have no religion. The reason I don't have a religion because I am an atheist - I don't believe in gods and suchlike because I see no evidence for their existence, and therefore have no need or desire to worship or placate them. This, of course, does not make atheism a religion. In fact, it's so obviously not a religion that I have to wonder exactly what your ulterior motive is for making such a ludicrous claim.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Religion? I have no passions for any organized school of thought. And inspite of the minor controversy, Athiesm can be considered a religion, especially when the athiest is passionate and into proving their point. Even Alcoholics Annonomous can be considered a religion.

    Spirituality is a different matter.

    Even though I believe in The Christ, I consider myself a pagan/panthiest by label who belives in the ultimate "Oneness" of everything.

    It has taken me the last 30 years' journey being OUT of the bOrg to come up with my own understanding. Since coming to JWD a couple years ago, I've been challenged to my beliefs, torn them apart, tossed out the stuff that no longer fits, and put them back together again. Something I think is important to do every now and again.

  • skeptic2


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