Tour de France winner bucked his religion

by MegaDude 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    I live in Lancaster County, about 20 miles from Ephrata, where Landis' parents live. The three biggies in religion here are Amish, Mennonite, and Church of the Brethren. They don't shun with the intensity of JWs, but it's a big thing to them if someone leaves their religion. This area isn't called the Mini-Bible Belt for nothing.

  • HadEnuf

    They may not like it...but they certainly don't sound adverse to celebrating their son's accomplishment. There was a piece on them on the national news showing them bicycling over to a friends house to watch the tour on their neighbor's t.v. So it is obvious that they do not participate in shunning...even though he chose to leave his religion.

    I LOVE the tour...even without King Lance (and his ego)...looking forward to next year with the return of the banished "drug scandal" riders.

    Yeah...gotta love that Floyd. Won the tour even with a rotting hip.


  • Seeker4

    Landis was fucking awesome!! Friday, in the Alps - wow. Every human being should have one day in life like that - where you take on the best in the world and just totally kick their ass - with your woman (or man) watching and cheering you on,


  • parakeet

    ***So it is obvious that they do not participate in shunning...even though he chose to leave his religion.***
    Like the JWs, some take it more seriously than others. The Old Order Amish do the shunning bit big time. And it looks like they're have trouble with their children too. From time to time, the local news carries stories about Amish teenagers and young adults getting arrested for drug dealing and car theft.
    parakeet, of the not-a-big-fan-of-the-Amish class

  • anewme

    I think they are all parts of the same critter and I wouldnt touch them with a ten foot pole now that I am free of all that.

    Us v.s. them mentality and separateness is not what Jesus taught. Its not how he lived.

    But congrats to the cyclist! He showed definite perseverence.

  • Gregor

    When he was interviewed by satellite by ABC this am the reporter asked him if he had spoken to his family yet. He said no he hadn't had the opportunity. So the reporter said "well why don't you go ahead and speak to them now, they're probably watching" He smiled and said, "Well, they don't watch TV but maybe if they are at a neighbors..." Kind of a faux pax by the reporter.


    Congrats to Floyd.

    I wonder how long he will have be for the press over there begins to impugn him with blood doping & steriod use allegations?

  • Toronto_Guy

    Landis did an amazing job...the French are crying about another American winning :)

    I personally don't see Landis' family situation as that similar to JW's. At least his parents will still talk to him, have him visit, etc, even if they don't agree with his lifestyle. I can respect that. If that were true in my case, I would be grateful.


  • Princess

    I was rooting for Floyd from day one of the tour. I Tivo'd the whole thing, it was freakin' awesome!

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