80% of Near Death Experiencers Can't Wear Watches...

by FMZ 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    I haven't had the traditional NDE but I have been in two situations where I thought for sure I was going to die, one where I went unconscious, but no tunnel 'o light experience.

    No problem with watches but I am extremely sensitive to cell phones or mobile phones. I " feel" them and can't stand to have a cell phone next to my ear. Since life necessitates having one I use a ear piece with a long cord or the speaker function on the phone. Two weeks I was reporting the deposition of a doctor who sat on the far end of the table away from me because he said the electrical field from my laptop was making him feel bad.

  • coffee_black

    I've never had a near death experience...but watches don't work on me.... They either run very fast or stop completely. With the exception of about a year...when I decided to try to wear one because I thought it looked professional. Seemed ok...and I bought a few nice watches...for variety.. About a year later they started doing the same crazy stuff, so I quit trying. It doesn't matter if it's digital, or the kind that you have to wind. I still have them tucked away in a drawer. I wind them and replace batteries just in case I want to try again. They run fine as long as I'm not wearing them.

    I never tried to figure it out...it's not really important to my life...but it is pretty weird.


  • IP_SEC


    Personally Im not claiming any supernatural talent. Im perfectly open to the idea that there is some scientific explaination for this or that it is my own imagination. It seems to me tho w/o any empirical evidence, just my own experience, that I have a high rate of devices fail on me.

    OBEs and NDEs: Dont prove afterlife to me. The only thing they prove to me is that reality as we know it could be just an illusion. I experience a reality that feels just as real, just as clear, just as solid to me as waking life. The memories of the experience are just as vivid as the memory of me clicking on this link seconds ago. The ego is just as intact during the experience as it is now. All its done to me is make me question what the physical reality of life is in the first place.

  • Terry
    Personally Im not claiming any supernatural talent. Im perfectly open to the idea that there is some scientific explaination for this or that it is my own imagination. It seems to me tho w/o any empirical evidence, just my own experience, that I have a high rate of devices fail on me.

    How do all such urban legends commence but by somebody wording their imaginative interpretation in such a way it "appears" to be personal testimony?

    I'm not at all clear on the distinction between a "claim" and the relating of a personal experience. Can you clarify for me?


  • IP_SEC
    imaginative interpretation in such a way it "appears" to be personal testimony?

    What is a personal testimony if not one persons interpretation of an experience. Your use of the word imaginative implies having no truth, false, fanciful? I guess your right in your description for you. Your personal experience is not mine. I cannot deny your personal experience. Personal experience is all in the imagined. No?

    Youre welcome!

    Looking forward to meeting you Saturday.

  • Terry
    What is a personal testimony if not one persons interpretation of an experience. Your use of the word imaginative implies having no truth, false, fanciful? I guess your right in your description for you. Your personal experience is not mine. I cannot deny your personal experience. Personal experience is all in the imagined. No?

    Youre welcome!

    Looking forward to meeting you Saturday.

    I'm not picking at you, by the way, it is just the way my widdle bwain works; I have to have precise definitions or I get a headache.

    I use to tell people about my "demon" experiences regularly back when I was an active JW.

    I have heard these same experiences told back to me by other JW's who didn't even know me.

    I feel very responsible for spreading the mindrape of demonic nonsense due to my (then) over-active imagination.

    It really does come down to personal interpretation rooted in one's sense of reality(or UNreality) and now I know that.

    But, my conscience is tender still!

    Look forward to meeting you too!

  • IP_SEC

    No worries Terry. I didnt think you were picking. Debate, discussions, and clarity of terms are all wonderful aspects of life, but alas this is FMZ's thread so I'll bow out.

  • parakeet

    So many stat problems with this. What is an "informal" study? Anecdotal responses are not dependable enough and 27 people are too small a number to be a representative sample of the entire NDE population.
    You need a double-blind study with much larger numbers of NDE people and a "normal" control group before you can say with some assurance that NDE people can't wear watches.

  • poodlehead

    I did have a NDE but I actually was dead for a short time. I had been taking allergy injection and the nurse gave me the wrong bottle. I got everything I was allergic to times ten. My doctor gave me shot after shot of Epe. But it didn't help. Finally I turned blue stoped breathing and passed out. In the emergency room they tries more drug and it didn't help. I had 0% oxygen in my blood stream. Which mean no oxygen to the brain, brain dead. Then my heart went into arrest so my heart stoped as well. They got my heart started again and were ready to intubalize me when for some reason I came around. They hate to intubalize a Asthma patient because it is hard to get them off the machine and they have complications and can die. My Doctor sayed he doesn't understand why I came around.

    But as far as Watches I haven't had any problem. I sell watches as well and replace batteries, no problem there either. Only problem I have ever had is sleeping problems since the incident.

  • Crumpet

    The electro-magnetic theories seem the most likely. I have a problem once a month where anytime I touch a light switch the lightbulbs explode ! Its really annoying but someone told me it was too do with the iron in my blood or something.

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