STUPID TURKEYS!!!!! (fluff)

by anewme 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert
    Today just sitting outside on the deck, I saw dozens of birds, from hummingbirds working the flower garden to turkey vultures soaring overhead in the thermals. For about a half hour this morning as we sat on the deck talking, drinking coffee and reading, a whitetail doe was eating her way up towards the woods behind the house, and for a couple of weeks we've been watching a doe and twin fawns across the road in the fields around the railroad track that parallels the Connecticut River.

    Hey Seeker and Lori, this looks and sounds like the beginning of an old romance movie.

    Some day I WILL take a ride up there to see your place. I can just picture it. Sounds so beautiful.

    Two years ago in the early spring, I got up and opened the shade in the living room, and there were about 20 turkeys on my front lawn !! They had walked out of the woods across the main road, and just trotted up our street ! My neighbor took pictures of them, and I got one of the pictures hanging on my wall. What a surprise!


  • Seeker4


    You're always welcome. I've actually photographed quite a few wild turkeys for the papers I've worked for. I find them a pretty magnificent bird, and think Franklin was probably right. That having been said, I've also photographed a few bald eagles in the area, and last year one flew over the deck from the river. Wow.

    This is a pretty romantic setting. You should see the deck and yard all lit up at night with torches and the moon rising over the New Hampshire mountains to the east. Man, if only that deck could talk, it has certainly seen its share of romance!

    Hope you are doing well. All our best.

    S4 & Lori

  • hubert
    Man, if only that deck could talk, it has certainly seen its share of romance!

    s4, watch out for splinters.

    Thanks for the invite.

    We are just so busy right now, it's nuts, but will take you up on it, someday. Enjoy !!


  • Seeker4

    No splinters, but do feel a bit violated by a deerfly who left a particularly mountainous welt on me arse last Friday night!

    Ah, no prophet is respected in his own hometown.


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