Major (5 star) barf alert about DC experience

by blindersoff 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sweetp0985
    Because the jws are so cloistered they don't know or realize that there are many many many other religious organizations who have conventions. From what I have seen on TBN those conventions are joyiously rocking, quite a difference from the mindnumbing drone of a jw convention

    I went to a Megafest (TD Jakes) convention in Atlanta last year....Very fun and very very different from any of the many JW conventions I had to go to...Wish I was going this year to Megafest but I'm stuck at work...Too bad I can't be like good 'ole Kevin...damn you Kevin and your boss....lmao

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    It's easy for a 12-year-old to say, "we tell our bosses we need the day off or we'll quit." Like they know what the real world of jobs really if this story is even remotely true, and this little 12-year-old dubbie was born into the "truth," then she is especially out of tune with reality.

    I know because I once was a very naive little dubby girl myself.

  • whatlite?

    I hate to rain on anyones "upbuilding convention", but let me remind everyone of something. First of all, they tell you it is wrong to go to college so that you can learn something helpful to support your family. They tell you you should be pioneering instead of learning. Okay..that is all fine and great but only a SMALL percentage of people actually pioneer. So the society is pumping out an entire generation of "retards" (myself included) that can't or have a hard time supporting their families and then they tell you that you should quit the only existing means you have to support them to come to a convention. Now tell you think Jehovah actually supports this thinking?

    They want to keep you uneducated so that you don't have the ability to use your brain and think for yourself. I guess Jehovah didn't need to give us a conscience after all. Just ask the society. They will tell you what to think. I wonder how King David and Job became so wise? UM?> you think they had higher learning?

    PS. Just ignore me. I just lost my entire family because I just told them about the UN thing. I could have been a doctor. I got a full ride scholarship. Couldn't use it. I had to sell furniture to live.

  • SirNose586

    "It's easy for a 12-year-old to say, "we tell our bosses we need the day off or we'll quit." Like they know what the real world of jobs really if this story is even remotely true, and this little 12-year-old dubbie was born into the "truth," then she is especially out of tune with reality.

    I know because I once was a very naive little dubby girl myself."
    --Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Ugh. Reminds me of some extremely sheltered kids I know. I hope that they remain sheltered for the rest of their days...because contact with "worldly" people or anything else that will shatter their bubble will mess them up for good.

  • purplesofa

    Thats so wonderful that he could get the day off and the day before to prepare........and all thirty of his friends and family too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is absolutely amazing and unbelievable.

    The first convention I went to .......a woman gave an awesome experiance......ha......cant remember all the details.....but the main thing is it was a testimony as to how the congo helped her and family with a problem and she had been in for long was not even about getting a bible study or pioneering or getting money when she was on her last dollar.

    They dont tell human experiances anymore............its all grandiose stories like this that makes the person that brought even one person to the convention feel like that was not enough.


  • purplesofa
    It came out of

    Arkansas I think.

    wish we knew where in arkansas.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    I hate to rain on anyones "upbuilding convention", but let me remind everyone of something. First of all, they tell you it is wrong to go to college so that you can learn something helpful to support your family. They tell you you should be pioneering instead of learning. Okay..that is all fine and great but only a SMALL percentage of people actually pioneer. So the society is pumping out an entire generation of "retards" (myself included) that can't or have a hard time supporting their families and then they tell you that you should quit the only existing means you have to support them to come to a convention. Now tell you think Jehovah actually supports this thinking?

    They want to keep you uneducated so that you don't have the ability to use your brain and think for yourself. I guess Jehovah didn't need to give us a conscience after all. Just ask the society. They will tell you what to think. I wonder how King David and Job became so wise? UM?> you think they had higher learning?

    PS. Just ignore me. I just lost my entire family because I just told them about the UN thing. I could have been a doctor. I got a full ride scholarship. Couldn't use it. I had to sell furniture to live. - whatlite?

    whatlite, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. We here feel your pain. Feel free to vent here all you want, it will make you feel better (a little bit). Read many of the threads others have written, and their experiences, and profiles. It'll help you realize you are not alone. My parents won't speak to me either. People with no JW connection do not understand how much this hurts. My family relationships were completely enmeshed, unhealthy, and to be completely cut off is painful (but necessary). It'll get better in time. (I want to go back to college too and am going to figure out how...)

  • Bangalore



  • snakeface

    Notice they said, "...because WE don't have anything to say...." indicating the flock comes to listen to their own words. They didn't say, "...because God [or Jesus or the Bible] doesn't have anything to say..."

  • therevealer

    And since we have heard (Lett speaking) that none of you can get the overlapping generation thingy, next year (here or in paradise) we will have another go at explaining it to you.

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