Nostradamus' prediction on WW3:

by Cassiline 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster
    Sorry if I stepped on anyones toes.

    Don't worry about that. Just jump in and keep posting. If you look over the last year, you will see the same topics posted time and time again, but invariably there always seems to be a new point or a different way to look at things that pops up.

    Slipnslidemaster: "I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    - Albert Einstein

  • ARoarer

    Even if this text is true, any fanatic terrorist group can use the words to self fulill the prophey. YOU KNOW, LIKE THE BORG DOES.

  • slipnslidemaster

    No, the text is not true. Bboy is correct, it's all lines taken apart from other sections and then reassembled to look coherent.

    Slipnslidemaster: "I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    - Albert Einstein

  • bboyneko

    bboy is ALWAYS correct

  • Brutus

    Good Call!!

    Nostradamus made 104 predictions with a verifiable name, place or time and, so far, 103 have been wrong.
    The references to Hitler in the writings of Nostradamus actually appear as “Hister” and that is also the former name of Germany’s Danube River.
    “For all we know,” Randy says, “the rise of ‘Hister’ might just mean a flood.” That could be one way to explain fascism.
    The prediction of doom this July is the 104th prediction that Randi has identified, and if it passes without incident, Nostradamus will be batting zero with his crystal ball.
    The constant re-interpretation of Nostradamus’ prophesies — as well as some outright fabrications — have allowed the seer to preserve his air of mysticism.
    Writer Rich Abanes says that Hitler and his minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, were thrilled in the 1930s when believers started applying Nostradamus to Nazism.
    “Hitler actually started working Nostradamus into his propaganda,” Abanes says. “He must have thought it would be good for his image to be tied to destiny.”
    Luckily, American and British psychics re-interpreted Nostradamus to predict Hitler’s demise in their own propaganda.

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