How many ex-jws move out of town to start over?

by rebel8 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • maksym

    I think the whole idea of moving and fading is to avoid shunning in one form or another.

    I say that we should tell people like it is. It is important; as in you don't believe in this anymore. In this way you can not move but just start a new life with "truth", meaning you are looking for a new direction in both life, religion, philosophy, or whatever.

    I told my family I don't believe in this anymore. They still accept me and do not shun me. Things may change but I think running and hiding only prolongs the enevitible, that is you are a independent person and that your ideologies can be contrary to your families.

    anyways, just my 2 cents.



  • maksym

    I want to add that wherever we go carry ourselves with us.

    A wise man once said that wherever you go there you will always be.

    You cannot escape yourself and your worldview. I think we must make a new beginning, not on geography but on a foundation of trust in what we will believe as new. In this way we create not only a better framework for ourselves but hold a new tradition and worldview that we can defend for our families.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My ex considered moving out of the area. She had developed such a bad reputation for herself, that she couldn't get a break. She stayed in the area and from what I've heard, just faded off

  • Fernando

    Hey rebel8!

    We moved continents to get away from certain prolific troublemaking jws.

    The resulting cultural gap proved to be a gap the watchtower just couldn't bridge. The level of prejudice and ignorance inside the jws was the same as outside. This really helped the process of our eyes opening to TTATT.

    If you're thinking really radical in terms of a different culture, it might potentially be very difficult to find work and adjust in the community, regardless of your qualifications and experience. It is often trouble if you don't look and sound like the locals - especially in these economically fragile times.

    At any rate you may be interested in one of the "Culture Shock" books for the country you're thinking of. A house-swop for 12 months or so, may be a way to keep your options open and to spy out the lay of the land so to speak.

    Best wishes


  • rebel8

    golden oldie

    I still want to move When it comes down to it, I just don't like where I live--never have.

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