Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-9-06 WT Study (TELL FINALE)

by blondie 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-9-06 WT Study (June 1, 2006 issue date, pages 21-25)(TELLS FINALE) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxesw = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "The One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. "-ISAIAH 46:10.

    Opening Comments

    The WTS starts another study article using an OT scripture and theme. While God may have the ability to tell the future, the WTS has not been successful in interpreting those predictions.

    The WTS has predicted/interpreted that

    1874 was the beginning of Jesus’ presence changed to 1914

    1878 was the beginning of Jesus’ reign as king in heaven changed to 1914

    1881 was the beginning of the resurrection of the deceased anointed changed to 1918

    1914 was the beginning of Armageddon changed to a future date (1925, 1975, lifespan of people born in 1914)

    1925 was the beginning of the 1,000 year reign changed to 1975, lifespan of people born in 1914)

    1914 was the beginning of the great tribulation which was interrupted in 1918 to start up again which was changed in 1970 saying the the GT had not started yet

    Well, you get the picture. How does the WTS weasel its way out of this:


    w04 2/1 p. 21 par. 13 "The Scene of This World Is Changing" ***
    Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment,
    we will have to wait and see.


    w00 3/15 p. 13 par. 12 ‘O God, Send Out Your Light’ ***

    Just as the apostles understood many prophecies concerning the Messiah only after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Christians today understand Bible prophecy in its finest detail only after it has been fulfilled.


    Q1, 2) What is remarkable about the events associated with Babylon's overthrow,and what does this fact indicate about Jehovah?

    1) IN THE dead of night, enemy soldiers advance stealthily along the bed of the Euphrates River toward their objective, the mighty city of Babylon. As they approach the entrance to the city, an astonishing sight greets their eyes. The colossal two-leaved doors in Babylon's wall have been left open! Out of the riverbed, they climb; into the city, they enter. Swiftly the city falls. Cyrus, their leader, promptly takes charge of the conquered land and later issues a decree releasing the Israelite captives. Thousands of exiles return home to restore the worship of Jehovah in Jerusalem.-2 Chronicles 36:22, 23; Ezra 1:1-4.

    WTS interpretations

    Babylon (Babylon the Great--worldwide empire of false religion)

    Cyrus (Jesus Christ)

    Releasing the Israelite captives (only the remnant of the 144,000 still on earth in 1919)

    Jerusalem (WTS)

    2) Those events of the years 539-537 B.C.E. are now well attested to by
    historians. What is remarkable is that the events were known some 200 years ahead of time. Jehovah inspired his prophet Isaiah to describe Babylon's fall that far in advance. (Isaiah 44:2445:7) God revealed not only the circumstances surrounding Babylon's overthrow but also the name of the conquering leader.* (Footnote: * See the brochure A Book for All People, page 28, published by Jehovah's Witnesses.) Addressing the Israelites, who were his witnesses back then, Jehovah said: "Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done."
    (Isaiah 46: 9, l0a) Jehovah is truly a God who can know ahead of time what will happen.

    539 BCE--How many remember when the WTS called this an "absolute" date, now adjusted to "pivotal" date. All traces were erased from the Scriptures Inspired book when the WTS revised it, but they could not not erase this from the 1968 WT.

    *** w68 8/15 p. 490 par. 11 The Book of Truthful Historical Dates ***

    One must first measure back in time across the gulf that separates the present from the ancient Biblical record of the past, to a stationary point in history, to a fixed date of the past, to an absolute date, if you please. Such a date must be one where sacred and secular historical events coincide and are linked in perfect agreement with current methods of measuring time distances. With such a date fixed in terms of the Gregorian yardstick we will know how far we have come from that point and where we are at present. Then from that pivot point we can also measure either forward or backward in dating other events of Bible history even though originally they were dated according to a different system.

    si pp. 282-283 pars. 27-30 Study Number 2-Time and the Holy Scriptures ***

    27 Pivotal Dates. Reliable Bible chronology is based on certain pivotal dates. A pivotal date is a calendar date in history that has a sound basis for acceptance and that corresponds to a specific event recorded in the Bible. It can then be used as the starting point from which a series of Bible events can be located on the calendar with certainty. Once this pivotal point is fixed, calculations forward or backward from this date are made from accurate records in the Bible itself, such as the stated life spans of people or the duration of the reigns of kings. Thus, starting from a pegged point, we can use the reliable internal chronology of the Bible itself in dating many Bible events.

    km 10/03 p. 7 Theocratic Ministry School Review ***

    What are pivotal dates, and why are they of great value? [si p. 282 par. 27] A pivotal date is a calendar date in history that has a sound basis for acceptance and that corresponds to a specific event recorded in the Bible. It is used as a starting point from which a series of Bible events can be located with certainty on the calendar.

    *** km 4/91 p. 6 Theocratic Ministry School Review ***

    The pivotal date for the Hebrew Scriptures is 539 B.C.E., and it is 29 C.E. for the Christian Greek Scriptures. [si pp. 282-3 pars. 28, 30 (p. 282 pars. 29, 31)]

    ** w68 8/15 p. 490 pars. 11-15 The Book of Truthful Historical Dates ***

    So too in determining where mankind is on the pathway of time, it will not solve the problem simply to translate ancient calendars into present-day systems. One must first measure back in time across the gulf that separates the present from the ancient Biblical record of the past, to a stationary point in history, to a fixed date of the past, to an absolute date, if you please. Such a date must be one where sacred and secular historical events coincide and are linked in perfect agreement with current methods of measuring time distances. With such a date fixed in terms of the Gregorian yardstick we will know how far we have come from that point and where we are at present. Then from that pivot point we can also measure either forward or backward in dating other events of Bible history even though originally they were dated according to a different system.


    12 One such fixed or absolute date is in connection with the events recorded in the fifth chapter of Daniel, verses one to thirty-one. That was concerning the time when the Medes and Persians under Cyrus the Great broke up Belshazzar's notorious carousal, captured the city of Babylon, and overthrew the Third World Empire. The year was 539 B.C.E. on the Gregorian calendar, four years after the Buddhist Era began in India.

    *** w68 5/1 p. 271 par. 3 Making Wise Use of the Remaining Time ***

    Hence, outside the Bible's timetable, most dates set by historians are unreliable. Only a few "assured," or absolute, dates, such as 539 B.C.E., can be accepted as certain. Christians, confident in Jehovah's Word, know that the internal evidence of the Bible is the safest guide in these matters. This helps us to determine with great accuracy where we stand in the stream of time, particularly in regard to the seventh period of time, or "day," mentioned in Genesis.-Gen. 2:2, 3.

    ** w68 5/1 p. 268 pars. 19-20 Understanding Time a Help to True Worshipers ***

    19 To calculate long periods of time, certain dates called "absolute dates" are very valuable. These are dates that have been proved reliable by secular history, actual dates of events that are also recorded in the Bible. Starting from one of these specific dates we can, by using the reliable internal chronology of the Bible itself, ascertain when many other Bible events occurred.
    20 For calculating Hebrew Scripture dates, the absolute date of October 5 to 6 in the year 539 B.C.E. is essential. This was the year that the Medes and Persians overthrew Babylon and it was definitely established in secular history when a record was found of King Nabonidus, the father and coregent of King Belshazzar. This remarkable clay document established that Babylon fell on October 5 to 6, in the year 539 B.C.E. according to the Gregorian calendar. From this date all the other dates in the Hebrew Scriptures can be calculated.

    God revealed not only the circumstances...but also the name

    First, you have to establish that Isaiah wrote the book 200 years before this happened.

    *** ba p. 29 A Book of Prophecy ***

    There is solid evidence that the books of the Hebrew Scriptures-including Isaiah-were written long before the first century C.E. The historian Josephus (first century C.E.) indicated that the canon of the Hebrew Scriptures had been fixed long before his day.8 In addition, the Greek Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, was begun in the third century B.C.E. and was completed by the second century B.C.E

    Q3) Answers to what questions will now be considered?

    3) How much of the future does God know? Does Jehovah know in advance what each of us will do? Indeed, is our future predestined? We will consider the Bible's answers to these and related questions in this and the following article.

    How much of the future does God know?

    From the beginning to the end?

    Does Jehovah know in advance what each of us will do?

    No, but the elders do, and the elders' wives, and the "mature" ones do.

    Is our future predestined?

    What is predestination?

    Jehovah--A God of Prophecy

    Q4) Who is the Source of the prophecies recorded in the Bible?

    4) Being able to foreknow the future, Jehovah inspired his servants in Bible
    times to record many prophecies, which allow us to know in advance what Jehovah has purposed to do. "The first things--here they have come, but new things I am telling out," Jehovah declares. "Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear them." (Isaiah 42:9) How privileged God's people are!

    J..h inspired his servants in Bible times to record many prophecies...allow US to know in advance

    US = FDS = GB (but not the rank and file)

    purposed to do--discussion later on the difference between "plan" and "purpose."

    How privileged God's people are--only JWs

    Q5) What responsibility comes with advance knowledge of what Jehovah will do?

    5) The prophet Amos assures us: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." This advance knowledge brought with it responsibility. Notice the powerful illustration that Amos next uses: "There is a lion that has roared! Who will not be afraid?" Just as a lion's roar provokes an immediate reaction from both man and beast in the vicinity, so such prophets as Amos promptly gave voice to Jehovah's declarations. "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has spoken! Who will not prophesy?" -Amos 3:7,8.

    his servants the prophets--is the WTS saying they are "his servants the prophets"?

    "who will not prophesy"--does the WTS and its members prophesy?

    How has the WTS made application of this scripture in recent years? Doesn't it show that the FDS alone knows what these prophecies mean?

    ** w02 10/1 p. 17 par. 22 Jehovah Blesses and Protects Those Who Are Obedient ***

    Another reason for confidence is that "the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) Today, Jehovah does not inspire prophets as in the past; instead, he has commissioned a faithful slave class to provide timely spiritual food to his household. (Matthew 24:45-47) How important, therefore, that we have an obedient attitude toward that "slave"!

    *** w00 9/1 p. 13 Show a Waiting Attitude! ***

    Do we, then, have any reason to be impatient? Do we doubt that a "faithful and discreet slave" has been appointed to give Jehovah's people "their food at the proper time"? (Matthew 24:45) Why deprive ourselves of godly joy because not everything is completely understood? Remember, Jehovah decides when and how to reveal his 'confidential matters.'-Amos 3:7.
    Some may be discouraged because they feel that after many years of faithful service, they may not live to see "the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." (Joel 2:30, 31)

    *** w99 10/1 p. 5 par. 4 "For Everything There Is an Appointed Time" ***

    But we must realize that Jehovah reveals his confidential matters at the time he deems advisable. For that purpose God has authorized a "faithful and discreet slave" to provide his people with "their [spiritual] food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45) There is, therefore, no reason for us to become overly concerned, or even agitated, that certain matters are not fully explained. Rather, we can be confident that if we patiently wait on Jehovah, he will provide, through the faithful slave, what is needed "at the proper time."

    *** w72 4/1 p. 197 'They Shall Know that a Prophet Was Among Them' ***

    However, Jehovah did not let the people of Christendom, as led by the clergy, go without being warned that the League was a counterfeit substitute for the real kingdom of God. He had a "prophet" to warn them. This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses. They are still proclaiming a warning, and have been joined and assisted in their commissioned work by hundreds of thousands of persons who have listened to their message with belief.

    Jehovah's "Word" Has "Certain Success"

    Q6) In what way did Jehovah's "counsel" prevail in connection with Babylon's downfall?

    6) Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said: "My own counsel will stand, and every thing that is my delight I shall do." (Isaiah 46:10b) God's "counsel," that is, his will or purpose as far as Babylon was concerned, involved calling Cyrus out of Persia to conquer Babylon and bring about its downfall. Jehovah declared that purpose long in advance. As already noted, it unfailingly came to pass in the year 539 B.C.E.

    Cyrus (Jesus), Babylon (the Great) false religion, year 539 BCE (absolute/pivotal date, confirmed by the Bible and secular history)

    Blurb on page 22: Jehoshaphat had confidence in Jehovah

    Q7) Why can we be confident that Jehovah's "word" always succeeds?

    7) Nearly four centuries before Cyrus' conquest of Babylon, King Jehoshaphat of Judah faced the combined armies of Ammon and Moab. He confidently prayed: "O Jehovah the God of our forefathers, are you not God in the heavens, and are you not dominating over all the kingdoms of the nations, and are there not in your hand power and mightiness, with no one to hold his ground against you?" (2 Chronicles 20:6) Isaiah expressed similar confidence when he stated: "Jehovah of armies himself has counseled, and who can break it up? And his hand is the one stretched out, and who can turn it back?" (Isaiah 14:27) Later, when restored to his senses following a period of insanity,King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon humbly acknowledged: "There exists no one that can check [God's] hand or that can say to him, `What have you been doing?"' (Daniel 4:35) Yes, Jehovah assures his people: "My word ..., will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it." (Isaiah 55:11) We can have full confidence that Jehovah's "word" always comes true. God's purpose is infallible.

    "no one to hold his ground against you"
    "who can turn it back"
    "there exists no one that can check [God's] hand"

    Unfortunately, the WTS says they are the only true representatives of God on earth and disobeying them is the same as disobeying God.

    We can have full confidence that Jehovah's "word" always comes true

    But what about the WTS word?

    God's purpose--there is that word again

    God's "Eternal Purpose"

    Q8) What is God's "eternal purpose"?

    8) In his letter to the Ephesian Christians, the apostle Paul referred to God as having an "eternal purpose." (Ephesians 3:11) This is not simply a plan of action, as though God had to map out the way he would work. Rather, it relates to Jehovah's determination to accomplish what he originally intended for mankind and the earth. (Genesis 1:28) To help us appreciate the infallibility of his purpose, consider the first prophecy recorded in the Bible.

    eternal purpose...plan

    Do you remember Russell's Divine Plan?


    *** Eternal Purpose book chap. 2 pp. 9-10 pars. 7-8 The Immortal Possessor of the "Eternal Purpose" ***

    Based on this different translation of the Greek text in Ephesians 3:11, there was published in the September, 1881, issue of Zion's Watch Tower in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., by the editor and publisher Charles Taze Russell, the article entitled "The Plan of the Ages." This gave the explanation of a full-page diagram called "Chart of the Ages." We are pleased to reproduce herewith this chart for examination by all interested persons. A similar "Chart of the Ages Illustrating the Plan of God" was embodied in the book entitled "The Divine Plan of the Ages," published by C. T. Russell in 1886.
    Despite the inaccuracies that are discernible in it today, this "Chart of the Ages" served to show the line of sincere reasoning that was based upon the thought that the All-Wise, Almighty God has a "plan." Said the opening words of Chapter I of this book:
    The title of this series of Studies-"The Divine Plan of the Ages," suggests a progression in the Divine arrangement, foreknown to our God and orderly. We believe the teachings of Divine revelation can be seen to be both beautiful and harmonious from this standpoint and from no other.

    Why the change?

    (Ephesians 3:11) 11 according to the eternal purpose that he formed in connection with the Christ, Jesus our Lord. . .

    *** w05 1/15 p. 7 Can You Control Your Destiny? ***

    Unlike fallible men with their limited abilities, Almighty God does not need a detailed, cut-and-dried plan that sets out beforehand the destiny of every individual on the earth. (Proverbs 19:21) In a number of Bible translations, Ephesians 3:11 speaks of God's having an "eternal purpose" rather than a fixed plan.

    Q9) How does Genesis 3:15 relate to God's purpose?

    9) The promise at Genesis 3:15 indicates that immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, Jehovah determined that his symbolic woman was to bring forth a seed, or son. Jehovah also foresaw the result of the enmity between his woman and Satan and between their opposing seeds. Although Jehovah would allow the Seed of God's woman to suffer a bruising in the heel, in God's due time, the Seed would bruise the serpent, or Satan the Devil, in the head. In the meantime, Jehovah's purpose unfailingly advanced through the chosen genealogical line down to Jesus' appearing as the promised Messiah.-Luke 3:15, 23-38; Galatians 4:4.

    immediately after....determined...foresaw the God's due time...purpose

    Think about that genealogical line...did God foresaw what would happen to individuals?

    The sons' of concubines, secondary wives, inherited equally with those of the first wife, before and after the Law was given....why not Ishmael (consider the sons of Jacob's wives maidservants before the Law and Jephthah after the Law)?

    Before Esau was born, God determined that Jacob, the younger son, would inherit. God was predicting the outcome of an individual.

    (Genesis 25:23) 23 And Jehovah proceeded to say to her: "Two nations are in your belly, and two national groups will be separated from your inward parts; and the one national group will be stronger than the other national group, and the older will serve the younger."

    What about God selecting Saul from the tribe of Benjamin to be king of Israel, when he said that Shiloh, the one would receive rulership would come from the tribe of Judah. Did God know that Saul would prove unfaithful so none of his sons would inherit the kingship?

    (Genesis 49:10) 10 The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander's staff from between his feet, until Shi´loh comes; and to him the obedience of the peoples will belong.

    What Jehovah Foreordains

    Q10) Did Jehovah predetermine from the beginning that Adam and Eve would sin? Explain.

    10 Speaking about the role that Jesus , played in God's purpose, the apostle Peter wrote: "He [Jesus] was foreknown before the founding of the world, but he was made manifest at the end of the times for the sake of you." (1 Peter 1:20; footnote) Did Jehovah predetermine from the beginning that Adam and Eve would sin and that the ransom sacrifice provided by means of Jesus Christ would be needed? No. The word "founding" is translated from a Greek term that literally means "throwing down of seed." Had there been a "throwing down of seed," or a conceiving of human offspring, before Adam and Eve sinned? No. It was after their act of disobedience that Adam and Eve brought forth children. (Genesis
    4:1) So following the rebellion but before the conception of offspring by Adam and Eve, Jehovah foreordained the appearance of the "seed." Jesus' death and resurrection provided the loving arrangement of the ransom, whereby inherited sin and all of Satan's efforts are to be brought to nothing.-Matthew 20:28; Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8.

    Blurb on page 23: God foretold Jesus' death and resurrection

    God's purpose (not plan so more 'flexible' in implementation)

    "founding of the world"...after act of disobedience that Adam and Eve brought forth children

    Greek term--in days gone by that term would be included in the paragraph, no longer, dumbing down of the rank and file? How many would look it up in the Insight Book? (Last WT reference to Greek term was in 1971, 35 years ago.)

    *** it-1 p. 858 Foreknowledge, Foreordination ***

    The apostle Peter's statement that Christ, as the sacrificial Lamb of God, was "foreknown before the founding [form of Greek ka·ta·bo·le´] of the world [ko´smou]" is construed by advocates of predestinarianism to mean that God exercised such foreknowledge before mankind's creation. (1Pe 1:19, 20) The Greek word ka·ta·bo·le´, translated "founding," literally means "a throwing down" and can refer to the 'conceiving of seed,' as at Hebrews 11:11.

    Q11) What development did Jehovah foreordain in the outworking of his purpose?

    11) God foreordained another development in the outworking of his purpose. This is indicated by what Paul wrote to the Ephesians, namely that God will "gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth." Then, with reference to "the things in the heavens," that is, those who are chosen as heirs with Christ, Paul explained: "We were foreordained according to the purpose of him who operates all things according to the way his will counsels." (Ephesians 1:10, 11) Yes, Jehovah determined ahead of time that a limited number of humans would make up a secondary part of the seed of God's woman and share with Christ in dispensing the benefits of the ransom. (Romans 8:28-30) The apostle Peter refers to these as "a holy nation." (1 Peter 2:9) The apostle John had the privilege of learning in a vision the number of those who would become Christ's joint heirs-144,000. (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1, 3) United with Christ as King, they serve "for the praise of [God's] glory."-Ephesians 1:12-14.

    Blurb on page 24: Did Jehovah foreordain what Adam and Eve would do?

    "things in the heavens"...those who are chosen as heirs with Christ.

    Okay, I can accept that but then the WTS segways into this conclusion without any support.

    Jehovah determined ahead of time that a limited number of humans would make up a secondary part of the seed (and cites Romans 8:28-30 which has nothing to do with that).

    144,000--is it a literal number, are the 12 Israelite tribes literal? So the numbers are literal but the tribes are not?

    *** re chap. 19 p. 117 par. 11 Sealing the Israel of God ***

    Could this not be a reference to literal, fleshly Israel? No, for Revelation 7:4-8 diverges from the usual tribal listing. (Numbers 1:17, 47)

    Q12) How do we know that the 144,000 are not predestined as individuals?

    12) The foreordination of the 144,000 does not mean that certain individuals were predestined to serve God faithfully in this way. Indeed, the admonition in the Christian Greek Scriptures was written primarily to guide and strengthen anointed ones to maintain integrity and keep themselves worthy of their heavenly calling. (Philippians 2:12; 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 11; 2 Peter 1: 10, 11) Jehovah knows in advance that 144,000 individuals will qualify to serve his purpose. Who they prove to be depends on how those invited individually choose to live their life, a decision that each one of them must make personally.-Matthew 24:13.

    does not mean certain individuals were predestined

    NOTABLE STATEMENT: Indeed, the admonition in the Christian Greek Scriptures was written primarily to guide and strengthen anointed ones....

    Jehovah knows in advance that 144,000 individuals will qualify...who they prove to be depends on how...choose to live their life

    So if an anointed JW is df'd, will God then select a replacement, foreknowing that they will not come back or does he have to wait until they die in the df'd state? How many of those partaking at the memorial are "genuine" anointed? How will JWs on earth know when the last anointed dies? Will God tell them?

    What Jehovah Foreknows

    Q13, 14) With what does the way Jehovah exercises his foreknowledge harmonize, and why?

    13) Since Jehovah is a God of prophecy and purpose, how does he exercise his foreknowledge? To begin with, we are assured that all of God's ways are truthful, righteous, and loving. When writing to Hebrew Christians of the first century C.E., the apostle Paul confirmed that God's oath and his. promise make "two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie." (Hebrews 6:17,18) In his letter to the disciple Titus, Paul also expressed this thought when he wrote that God "cannot lie."-Titus 1:2.

    How does he exercise foreknowledge?

    Is this some of that spirit-directed info? All of God's ways are....loving...cannot lie.

    14) Furthermore, although Jehovah has unlimited power, he never acts unjustly. Moses described Jehovah as "a God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he." (Deuteronomy 32:4) Whatever Jehovah does harmonizes with his wonderful personality. His actions manifest the perfect harmony of his cardinal qualities of love, wisdom, justice, and power.

    Unlimited power...never acts unjustly.

    Do you feel that the WTS is describing themselves?

    Q15, 16) What prospects did Jehovah lay before Adam in the garden of Eden?

    15) Consider how all of this relates to the events in the garden of Eden. As a loving Father, Jehovah provided everything human creatures needed. He endowed Adam with the ability to think, to reason on a matter, and to reach a conclusion. Unlike the animal creation, which is largely guided by instinct,
    Adam had the ability to make choices. The result of this was that God looked down from his heavenly throne and saw "everything he had made and, look! it was very good."-Genesis 1:26-31; 2 Peter 2:12.

    Endowed Adam (not Eve) with the ability to think, to reason on a matter, and to reach a conclusion...Had the ability to make choices

    Although he was new to life as a human, had seen no other human except, had no association with God's heavenly sons...was he mature enough?

    16) When Jehovah chose to lay a command upon Adam not to eat of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad," He provided adequate instruction so that Adam could decide what to do. He allowed Adam to eat from "every tree of the garden" except one and warned of the fatal results of eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. (Genesis 2:16, 17) He laid before Adam the consequences of his actions. What would Adam do?

    He provided adequate instruction

    Did God prepare Adam or Eve for the corrupting influence of the angelic son who had been assigned to watch over them? Did they know this angel existed?

    Q17) Why can we say that Jehovah's exercise of foreknowledge is selective?

    17) Jehovah apparently chose not to foresee what Adam--and Eve--would do, even though He has the ability to know everything in advance. It is therefore a question, not of whether Jehovah can foresee the future, but of whether he chooses to do so. Furthermore, we can reason that Jehovah, being a God of love, would not knowingly and cruelly predetermine that rebellion--with all its sad consequences--should take place. (Matthew 7:11; 1 John 4:8) Thus, as far as Jehovah's exercise of foreknowledge is concerned, it is selective.

    Jehovah APPARENTLY chose not to foresee what Adam--and Eve--would do...

    What scripture is that in? APPARENTLY, a word the WTS uses when they make a statement that has no Biblical basis.

    We can reason--see "apparently"

    Q18) Why is Jehovah's selective exercise of foreknowledge no indication of imperfection on his part?

    18) Does Jehovah's selective exercise of his foreknowledge mean that he is
    somehow lacking, imperfect? No. Moses described Jehovah as "the Rock," adding: "Perfect is his activity." He was not to blame for the consequences of human sin. The disastrous effects felt by all of us today stem from that unrighteous act of disobedience. The apostle Paul clearly reasoned that "through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned."-Deuteronomy 32:4, 5; Romans 5:12; Jeremiah 10:23.

    selective..foreknowledge mean that he is...imperfect? No

    Yes, God was not to blame...he did not protect Adam and Eve from the covering cherub who had been alive much longer than they, was more intelligent and powerful.

    God warned Cain but not Abel..........what would have happened if God had told Abel that his brother was planning to murder him?

    Q19) What questions will be considered in the next article?

    19) So far in our discussion, we have seen that there is no injustice with
    Jehovah. (Psalm 33:5) Rather, Jehovah's abilities, moral qualities, and
    standards support his purpose. (Romans 8:28) As the God of prophecy, Jehovah tells "from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done." (Isaiah 46: 9, 10) We have also seen that his exercise of foreknowledge is selective. Where, then, do we fit in? How can we make sure that our decisions conform to God's loving purpose? And what blessings will doing so bring us? The next article will consider these questions.

    No injustice with God--but what about those who claim to be his only representatives on earth?

    How can we make sure that our decisions conform to God's loving purpose

    As interpreted by the WTS

    What blessings--by obeying the organization, the rank and file can be assured of not dying at Armageddon which is coming this year, perhaps, or the next, or the next.

    Can You Explain?

    - What ancient examples testify that God's "word" always has "certain success"?
    - What has Jehovah foreordained in connection with his "eternal purpose"?
    - In what way does Jehovah exercise his foreknowledge?

    Concluding Comments

    Where was Jesus in this article? More focus was given to the 144,000 than to Christ.

    While God may know the beginning from the finale, he has not been telling the WTS.

    They have guessed 1874, 1878, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, and very soon now. My grandparents heard the talk from 1920 to 1925 about the end...which did not come. Those still alive today who remember Stay Alive in '75, are they out there regular pioneering.......moving to where the need is great....putting off having children...renting a small apartment, driving an out-moded car, wearing clothes from Goodwill, vacationing at the convention, and sending the rest of their money to headquarters....not.

    Rather the WTS should concern itself with this predestination for false prophets:

    (Deuteronomy 18:20-22) 20 "'However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. 21 And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him.'

    On a lighter note, we have tomatoes on all our plants and nubbins of cucumbers that grow as we watch them. We got our new assessment of our house and it has skyrocketed....we are richer on paper...the mill rate went down so our taxes won't skyrocket. I now e-mail regularly with a soldier in the Middle East. It makes the news more personal.

    On a darker note, life can be deeply sad...dangerously sad. If you are sad, reach out, you matter. If you know someone that sad, do what you can to help and help those who love them.

    Love, Blondie

  • Scully

    LOL when I read (TELL FINALE) in the title, I started hearing the finale from Rossini's William Tell Overture (best known as the theme from The Lone Ranger TV show).

    OK. I'll shut up and read the rest of the post now.

  • Gill

    I'll tell you the finale! The Watchtower will be attempting to predict and prophecy 'the End' as long as it exists.

    They never learn, they never change, they never improve.

    'The Storm clouds of Armageddon are surely approaching!' is what I read this morning. 'Armageddon is no longer round the cornor but directly in front of us!' I remember hearing at an assembly in the 60's, 70's 80's 90's 00's.........Yeah! Course it is!

    How time moves on and the more things change, the more they stay the same!

    Thanks Blondie! I find reading your Watchtower study inspiring. It reminds me how good it is to be free!

  • moomanchu
    So if an anointed JW is df'd, will God then select a replacement, foreknowing that they will not come back or does he have to wait until they die in the df'd state?

    Good question,

    and why did God choose them in the first place ?

    Does the borg even allow an annointed one to be reinstated as an annointed one ?

    Thanks for article Blondie.

  • Grammy

    Thanks for all your hard work and preparation of these articles Blondie, I look forward to them each week, and enjoy them much more than I ever did sitting through the watchtower study at the kingdom hall.


  • Pistoff

    Ugh. What a horrible article.
    After the scales fell, I can see clearly why I left articles like this with a headache; it was unrecognized cognitive dissonance.
    The writer(s) skip around, pulling scripture and snippets to support really crazy ideas, like God foreordaining a number of people but not the people; being able to know the future of Adam and Eve but deciding not to, followed by the really stupid idea that billions of people are made to suffer through ultimately pointless lives just to die and be resurrected to try again.

    BLONDIE you rock.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Blondie, THANK YOU - for putting up with this torture for all of us!! I of course will not be attending this CRAPPY study, just couldn't stand sitting there silently while this idiocy was being considered, I don't think I could refrain myself from raising my hand and spilling the beans. So.....I'lle just stay home and enjoy my Sunday with my family, gardening or going somewhere to have some actual fun!



  • willyloman

    God, this all becomes so OBVIOUS -- doesn't it? -- once, as one poster put it, the scales fall from your eyes. Case in point, this simple sentence:

    So far in our discussion, we have seen that there is no injustice with Jehovah.

    Let's parse that sucker:

    So far: In other words, we've only just started to explore this intellectual and complex topic and already, praise Jah, we have come into the light... that's the way it is with Jehovah's people when they embark on such deeeeep study.

    in our discussion: This unilateral pablum-feeding is described as a two-way, give-and-take "discussion" of the sort that takes place between thinking individuals each bringing some intellectual food to the table for consideration. Of course, it's nothing of the sort.

    we have seen: In other words, there is no other way to "see" or understand what we have just outlined to you, so accept it for what we say it is. All the research has been done for you.

    no injustice with Jehovah: So, therefore, all that apostate babble on the internet about child molesters residing at Bethel, about our so-called association with the UN, about the two-faced handlng of the Malawi situation and the concurrent Mexican military card incidents, forget about it! There is no injustice here! No, nothing to see here, folks, just move along.

    This would all be pretty funny if they weren't so good at it... and if so many good people weren't slurping this up.


  • Terry
    Unlike fallible men with their limited abilities, Almighty God does not need a detailed, cut-and-dried plan that sets out beforehand the destiny of every individual on the earth. (Proverbs 19:21) In a number of Bible translations, Ephesians 3:11 speaks of God's having an "eternal purpose" rather than a fixed plan.


    A "purpose" rather than a "plan"?

    Meaning what, exactly?

    As the Queen of Hearts shouted at Alice, “Words mean exactly what I want them to mean.”

    How does a PLAN differ from a PURPOSE? What is the distinguishing characteristic which prevents these two words from being synonymous?

    How is a "FINALE" not an end which is fixed?

    Detaching words from their definitions is a cool game to play with a person's head if you want to confuse them.

    However, these writers aren't liars. They have forgotten what the true meaning of anything is and cannot, therefore, lie about it.

    The Watchtower consists of pretending to reveal (what is hidden to the one doing the revealing) while confusing all the facts which purport to support the arguments.

    Can anybody say: INSANE? CONFUSED? CLUELESS? And yet, the flock must be obedient to the very people dispensing this swill into the troughs and calling it "food at the proper time"!!

  • anewme

    Blondie, half way through I had this slight panicky feeling like I was standing in a crowd listening to old Jimmy Jones! Uh oh, here comes the kool-aid!

    It seems illegal what they do to the scriptures. God needed some copyright protection!

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