Another JW email circulating...

by Elsewhere 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander

    Did anyone attend the convention a few years back that had the experience of a 'brother' that was in a nazi camp who communicated with another prisoner using morse code

    by tapping on the wall with a rock. This 'brother' preached to the other prisoner using morse code. Decades later, this same 'morse code preaching brother' was giving a talk

    at an assembly, and used his personal experience,, there was some noise in the crowd and this 'other prisoner' ran up onto the stage and hugged this very same

    'morse code preaching brother' Awwww... brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

  • mouthy

    What about the man who swam across a alligator infected river to get to an assembly???
    Or the JWs that were all lined up in a Nazi concentration camp to be shot!!!! & when the FIRE! shout came & dog attacked the shooters....???
    I really do believe some of those writers belonged to "Ripleys Believe it or NOT" I am afraid this stupid brod believed it I guess the next poster can clean up MY vomit I do it enough for highlander lol

  • Jim_TX

    I agree with the other poster... the timeline is a bit... fishy... they really need to check their 'facts' better.

    If he took classes under pope John Paulo, who was pope from 1963 to 1978...

    If he hadn't had contact with his family in 31 years... in 2006 - 31 = 1975 - he was only 13 at that time.

    When do they allow kiddos into seminary school? 13? 14 (1976)? 15 (1977)? 16 (1978)?

    I dunno... a bit of a stretch... unless he was taking lessons from a dead pope.

    (Hmmm... or maybe... pope John Paulo was his father... *muses*)


    Jim TX

  • willyloman
    This is a true story:

    Or an urban legend, which is much more likely.

  • Balsam

    No full name is given. What about this so called music CD that is internationally known? No mention of the name of it or what kind of music is on it. The story is too sketchy and no important details. This so called trouble shooting priest would have had to a higher up to get others to listen to his direction. Priest just don't turn down appointments to higher positions. This story is fully bogus if you ask me. Another JW Urban legend.

  • Gill

    We all 'know' that all the Catholics who are 'in the know' realise that the Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'only trooo religion!' That's why they try to persecute them so much!

    Perhaps Dan Brown should write another book, 'The JahVinci Code'.

  • undercover
    Perhaps Dan Brown should write another book, 'The JahVinci Code'.

    LOL...yea, at least he'll have a car chase or two in it.

    The "Truth that Leads to Eternal Life" had the perfect oppurtunity for a Bullitt type car chase but alas, they missed their chance. "Revelation - Grand Climax at Hand" would have made a great movie...if they had written in a scene with Jessica Alba or some other Hollywood hottie giving a helping hand, um, so to speak, to the hero of the movie.

  • Highlander

    Sorry mouthy, I was aiming for Jim-tx this time. I swear!!

  • mouthy

    Yeah!!!! You expect me to believe that Highlander???? Do you see green in my eyes??? if you do it is probably some of your puke

  • loosie

    I love how they don't give you enough info to verify things, to prove true or not.

    discontented with abuse and nepotism inside the church
    Soon he will see that same things in the org.

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