Computer Game Recommendations

by Uzzah 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Uzzah

    Okay, I used to be the guy with all the latest gadgets in fact I was the first Bethelite I knew to get a personal Internet account and the first to upgrade to a 14.4 modem (dating myself eh!!).
    But for the past couple of years I haven't upgraded my home PC. It has been primarily for my home based businesses (email, Word, Excel and Powerpoint type stuff and casual browsing) so my faithful P2, 10 gig hard drive and CD reader (only) has been sufficient, but damn it I want to be able to do more!
    So tomorrow I am getting/building a P4, 100 mg Ram, fully loaded 3D graphics card with multiple monitor capability, DVD/CD burner, 80 gig hd (with my existing 20 gig as slave) and 6 high speed USB ports (versus my existing 2 low speed). So I will be good to go and am kinda excited. smirking boys and our toys!
    So I am out of touch with games. I have been content with Age of Empires & Civilization as games that could run on my existing system. I also have become addicted to my Hoyle DVD that an amazing gal gave me as a Christmas present. Back in the early 90's I bought Myst 1 and 2 when they first came out and loved both. Not a huge fan of shooter games but am willing to trying anything at least twice!
    Are their any decent computer football (NFL not soccer) games. My kid bro has Playstation and I loved that version of NFL Football. Is there anything comparable for PC gaming?
    So all suggestions welcome.
    All work and no play Uzzah - But that is gonna change!

  • under_believer

    Good current PC games:
    * Civilization IV is just simply awesome. Not to be missed. One more turn, one more turn.
    * Rome: Total War is an excellent both strategic and tactical warfare game.
    * The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - great open-ended RPG with hundreds of hours of gameplay.
    * Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, or (especially) San Andreas. They are highly immoral and controversial though so don't get them if you don't want a caricaturized vision of 90's inner city gang warfare. And don't say I didn't warn you.
    * If you want an MMORPG it's hard to go wrong with World of Warcraft. But it's addictive and it has a monthly fee.

  • Uzzah

    Excellent! I had forgotten about Grand Theft Auto. I've played that on my kid brother's Playstation .. and no .. contrary to many people's opinion of me based on my online personna, I am NOT easily offended or righteous over much. I spend most of my time in the gutter like most everyone else!
    I'll have to check out the PC version of San Andreas.
    Thanks for the suggestions.

  • restrangled

    Dear Uzzah, my younger son his a huge gamer and both sons are both computer experts. Problem is they are gone for the weekend so if you are still interested after July 4... PM me and I will get their answers.... if you don't get your answers before then. Older son is Cisco and Windows certified. The younger son is the biggest gamer this side of the Missisippi :)

    Have fun gaming.


  • Uzzah

    Sure any suggestions they would have are welcome. I will likely buy a game or two this weekend but will likely be investing in a few more.
    Thanks again!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Well - I'm zombie fan (I see it more as training, just in case, lol) - best game I've played recently is resident Evil 4 (PS2).

    For the PC, I liked Half Life, and I've heard that Half Life 2 has the best graphics of any PC game (I'm popping it on my Christmas wish-list)

    My lad has all the GTA (Grand Theft Auto) games, which are VERY popular with teenage boys.

  • AuldSoul

    I am an old-school RPG nut.

    * The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - great open-ended RPG with hundreds of hours of gameplay.

    This is—hands down—the best computerized RPG I have ever played. Incredibly intricate story lines (for a computerized RPG), compass assistance for most quests (a nice feature, IMO), more real, pertinent game information from books and from NPCs (non-player characters) than any other game I have seen. I used to run RPG games and these guys at Bethesda have to have done so, too. They think like a dungeon master thinks, they really keep it interesting.

    You still can't climb trees and you still can't scale walls, which are basic staples of most RPG games, but I have no quibbles given that they had to create that enormous world and people it with believable characters. From Lord Rugdumph's malapropisms to overly zealous citzen protection squads, it is threaded with so much realism it almost defies belief. And there is tons of comedy, too. The Planes of Oblivion give you all the gore you could reasonably ask for, but if that isn't enough you could always go bet on an Arena match (to the DEATH!).

    Plenty of guilds, plenty of cross-game references, and "hundreds of hours" is no exaggeration. It also has a fairly high replay appeal, since you can experience the game with so many different races and classes.


  • ackack

    Civ 4 and World of Warcraft are pretty great games, and both eat tremendous amounts of my time in an enjoyable fashion.

    If you didn't get a chance to play Warcraft 3, you could always go back and revisit it.

    Aside from that, I'm just waitin' for the Wii to come out instead :)


  • confusedjw

    U - Age of Empires is still the best. We should play online sometime.

  • daystar

    I've yet to play Oblivion since my PC at home doesn't even meet minimum requirements right now. But I've played every Elder Scrolls game thus far. I'm sure I"ll upgrade my PC at some point soon and I'll grab a copy of this.

    I'm a bit behind otherwise as well. I'm still playing Dungeon Siege II and Doom 3. But I did just finish Fable: The Lost Chapters. I just don't take as much time to play games as I used to.

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