Question about monthly hours, timesheets, etc.

by Alleymom 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeslice

    There was a time when the congregations figures were all posted on a large notice board at the front of the hall. It used to detail total number of publishers, total hours, average hours, etc. What a sales organization!

  • Poztate
    There was a time when the congregations figures were all posted on a large notice board at the front of the hall. It used to detail total number of publishers, total hours, average hours, etc. What a sales organization!

    Wow ...Did that bring back old memories. It seemed to me that they had the cong stats but they also compared local to the national averages. If in Canada the "average" was 10.6 hours and we had 9.2 then we were simply not doing enough. Magazines,book studies,RV's were scrutinized and a really good scolding would be given to the congo if we were not at least the same or better than national average. Talk about a sales meeting...

  • poppers

    Posted yesterday by me, but no response to my question:
    Just today I was talking to five young women who were passing out "invitations" to the upcoming DC (I only talked to them because the youngest one recognized me from the elementary school she attends). I asked about going door-to-door and was told it was totally "voluntary", and one, the leader, even joked about stopping at the local rest home, which was having a party on their front lawn, and party with them. They seemed to be trying hard to give me the impression that they really wanted to do the d2d work. My impression from being on JWD is that the d2d work is central to the tenets of their beliefs and is not voluntary. So, did they blatantly lie to me?

  • Earnest

    poppers, d2d work is voluntary in the sense that you will not be expelled from the congregation if you do not share in it. However, you would probably be viewed as weak in the faith and not be given "priveleges" in the congregation. If someone does field service but chooses not to report it for good reason (e.g. conscience doesn't allow it) that may be acceptable to the body of elders. I have not reported field service for more than 20 years but it is only recently that I have not shared in it.


  • Narkissos
    I have not reported field service for more than 20 years but it is only recently that I have not shared in it.

    Really nice to "see" you Earnest

  • Pistoff

    Blondie said:

    "They keep close tabs just for numerical purposes not that they care about the "sheep." The WTS is very big on numbers and records."

    Lacking real theology and acceptance of the real significance of Jesus, how else can they measure their progress? They don't care about personal growth, or real research, or charity; they count numbers.
    Numbers at the DC, the SAD, the assembly; numbers for the CO, for the January report.

    Numbers of course are for CORPORATIONS.

  • poppers

    Ernest, thanks for answering my question.

  • Euphemism

    Speaking of time reports: we had a bunch of people over for dinner and fireworks-watching yesterday; and an ex-JW friend's never-JW boyfriend found an Organized book on our bookshelf (one of the very few Witness books I've retained) and browsed through it.

    As he put the book away, he said: "Well, I've learned that the way to show godly devotion is to fill out accurate paperwork."

    There were several of us ex-JWs there and we all broke out laughing. It pretty much describes the JWs in a nutshell.

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