other side of the coin

by spider 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • peacepipe

    Just a FYI: our Pittsburgh news station reported around 11:30pm that the Pittsburgh Islamic (church) via letter expressed their joint sorrow to the tragedy and they are supportive of US efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice. They do however ask that until the culprits are pinpointed, if news/media could refrain from speculation on who did this (as so much focus has been thwarted towards the middle east/islamic faith)until it is pinpointed who actually did orchestrate the attacks.

  • DannyBear


    Silverleaf stated pretty much my feelings.

    Larc a perfect example of how misguided a spirit of tolerance, or understanding is not even an option. Aggressive therapy really is the only 'realistic' option. The only way to destroy those cancer cells, is to burn them, or cut them out. No if's, ands or buts.

    If you have a nest of rats in the basement, you better get every last one of them, or they will be back.


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