I woke up to my JW mom reading JW literature to my stomach

by unbeliever 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Hi UB.

    I would say, "Mom and Dad if you want a relationship with this grandchild then you keep your religion out of the picture. You start in again on any of our family (meaning yours UB) then the relationship ends. It would be unfortunate, but I'm not going to sacrifice my kids' well being so that you can enjoy their company. It's your choice."

    And stick to your words.


  • DannyHaszard

    15 Apr 2005
    Remote User:

    Paranoia playbook-- http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/88858/1.ashx Read; Jehovah Witness children are indoctrinated with this demented supremacist shit from birth......[[ Actually,an Elder's wife KaXXX XXXXX from Rockland Massachusetts would literally play the;'My book of Bible stories' audio tapes through an audio transducer in contact with her abdomen to indoctrinate her prenatal fetal infant....I was present at the service meeting when she related this exercise,and at the time i didn't think there was anything weird about it.Amazing how much i myself was brainwashed!

  • mkr32208

    I must say I would have rolled over and told her to keep reading! That was where that stuff CAME from after all!

  • Quandry

    Perhaps this will not be received well by others. I feel so strongly that it is unloving and unkind of the W.T.S. to suggest that family shun their children because they do not believe the same way. This having been said, the same goes for a child to tell her mother that she wants nothing to do with her for any reason. This does not show honor to her. I think you can lighten up. Baby does not understand words, just tone of voice. If you reason with your child as it is growing, and give it many choices, you have nothing to fear from he/she hearing the point of view of grandma or anyone else. You obviously have made up your mind despite your mom's views, so I'm sure your child can do the same. Rather than imitate the Society's lack of love, why not reason with the family to show support for all, especially your sister, who must need some attention. Perhaps your reasonableness could influence your mom.

  • parakeet

    ***Rather than imitate the Society's lack of love, why not reason with the family to show support for all, especially your sister, who must need some attention. Perhaps your reasonableness could influence your mom.***

    Quandry, your suggestion is, of course, the best option if all parties agree to be reasonable.
    Unfortunately, JWs can be very unreasonable in their absolute certainty of belief. If JW grandparents aggressively ignore the parents' warnings about pushing JW doctrine onto innocent, impressionable children, then the children's welfare MUST COME FIRST.
    Being told contradictory things by parents and grandparents and being pushed into a religious tug-of-war is not in a child's best interest.
    If grandparents refuse to back down, the parents must, for their children's sakes, take whatever steps are necessary to limit the grandparents' unhealthy influence. It's unfortunate, but sometimes necessary.

  • LovesDubs

    Telling a die hard JW to "stop preaching" to your kids is like telling someone with asthma to just "take a deep breath" and they'll feel better, or telling a clinically depressed person to just "cheer up". It's so engrained in them that the thought that you would oppose their "loving concern" is horrifying and received with abhorence and shock at your ungodliness. They are taught in the Ministry School and the literature and the conventions to "overcome all objections" and "press on" and "stay the course" and all that crap.

    First you gently ask them not to, then you remind them you said not to, then you say, what part of DONT DO THAT do you not understand? And then you get to "If you CANT freakin honor my decisions as the PARENT in this household then you will not be allowed to be here nor will you be allowed unsupervised visits with your grandkids."

    Yeah...its that bad.

  • kilroy2

    I would tell them what I told my wife's parents, if they can keep their mouth shut about what they believe they can be around, if not all I can promise is that I will slam their religion every time they spew there crap.

    This is what makes me so pissed off about JWs they can spit out all kinds of crap they believe but you should just sit in silence if you disagree, Fu&& them, what is good for the goose is good for the JW, btw my wife's parents don't come around. what a blessing for this atheist. btw, that crap about your mom reading to your unborn is wierd even for a dubber. Me thinks she is a few bricks short of a full load. Room tem IQ

  • confusedjw

    "I woke up to my JW mom reading JW literature to my stomach"

    ...and I thought you were going to tell us something weird...

  • unbeliever
    I must say I would have rolled over and told her to keep reading! That was where that stuff CAME from after all!

    Oh that made me laugh. As tempting as they would be then I would be forced to listen to that BS. LOL

    Rather than imitate the Society's lack of love, why not reason with the family to show support for all, especially your sister, who must need some attention. Perhaps your reasonableness could influence your mom.

    There is no reasoning with my mom. NONE!!! My brothers and I have tried everything to get her to stop shunning my sister. Believe me we support her. When mom got married she invited my sister to the wedding but not the reception. My brother and I ditched the reception. My younger brother did not go period. She's lucky we went to her damn wedding. Just take my word for it there is no reasoning with her.

  • mkr32208
    This having been said, the same goes for a child to tell her mother that she wants nothing to do with her for any reason.

    What about a mother-in-law who constantly tries to tell your children "mommy and daddy are bad because they don't do what jehovah says" and on and on and on!


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