I asked why did the wise men bring Jesus gifts on his birthday?

by MsMcDucket 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    I a married man, could argue that the sexual advances of the cute redhead at the party could be accepted, and an "expression of appreciation" be made sometime afterward.

    How "wrong" do jws see birthday celebrating as ?


    In their alternative 'satan star' interpretation did the wtbts not comprehend that divine intervention saw the magi give presents to assist in a flight to Egypt ?

    Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Its funny how the org demonised the three wise men, in Christendom they're good guys would went out of their way to find Jesus and bring him expensive goodies. In "The truth" they are pagan astrologers who used satanic arts to find the new born son of god and who's actions alerted and lead Herod to him. So now they are the bad guys.

  • RachelHall

    How old was the young Jesus when the Magi gave him gifts? He had to be Two or under.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I dreamed of being one of the "three wise men" when I was younger - they're good guys where I come from - intrepid and learned traveller guys on a quest, who give presents with no strings attached - kinda like Santa Clause I suppose.

  • peacefulpete

    RachelHall...There are many ancient nativity/infancy traditions from the early days of Christainity. Matthew and Luke contain only 2 contradicting forms of many that represent idealizations from the fertile minds of early writers. Most attempts to harmonize these two stories come up with the magi arriving the night of the birth because Luke doesn't allow for the family to remain in Bethlehem for more than a few days. (birth..8days later in Jerusalem..return to Nazareth) Of course this still doesn't allow for the flight to Egypt that Matthew incorporates. Ultimately its impossible o harmonize the stories in every detail so the Christmas traditions have taken the most interesting elements and blended them.

  • mysonsmum

    I understand fully why you should ask tis question, but i belive that if you have a question i futer maybe you should take a elder aside make sure he is understanding and that you feel comfoprtable speaking to him and ask him such questions on a one to one basise!!!! take care x

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