Picture of Mouthy Granny Grace

by mouthys_gdaughter 129 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Es ... I am up to adopting you all, ( with you I get an extra little one EH!!!

  • Virgochik

    Mouthy and Uzzah, that sounds like a great story! Could you post it here, so us newer ones could read it?

  • mouthy

    I sure can... I was pickiting The Copps Convention. ( I got therre early before the rest turned up) I was walking on the side if the building when Uzzah came up & said y

    "you are not allowed to be on this side.... cross the street" I said "You wait I have to obey Ceaser" (because the light was red.... )Well a few years later we had an apostafest in Toronto. We had never met all the people there. But I saw 3 guys talking about me & they laughed. So I asked them if they were laughing at me or with me!!! Uzzah said" You dont remember me do you" ?( I did not) It was Uzzah!!!!!!! He was free from the WT.... Praise GOD!!!! I have a special love for him He is a gift to me from God.....

  • LDH


    What beautiful pictures and what a great story about Uzzah.

    The name Grace suits you.

  • mouthy

    Thanks LDH....I always hated it..Until I learned what it really means... Not UNDESERVED KINDNESS!!! as the WT say....

  • Virgochik

    That IS a wonderful story! So there is always hope! Thanks for sharing!

    Like I mentioned, Mouthy you look so much like my Grandmother. Younger, of course. She is 92 now, and won't ever escape the Watchtower. I'm so happy you did, and haven't wasted all your life away like my poor Granny. Take care, enjoy every day of freedom to be...Mouthy!

  • LDH
    I learned what it really means... Not UNDESERVED KINDNESS!!! as the WT say

    Isn't it amazing, you have to re-learn your spiritual vocabulary when you leave the WT.

    I had lunch with an active JW that I am trying to get to see the light.....she talked about going in field service with her 9 year old daughter two times a week. I told her that "jesus yoke was supposed to be kindly and his load light." How does feeling like you are obligated to turn in time feel like a light load? How is that christian freedom?

    Your comment reminded me of that conversation.

  • fjtoth
    So when you coming to visit me in my new home????

    Hi Grace,

    I'm in the process of moving too. My landlord is 89, and he wants my apartment so that a full-time nurse can live here. I'm looking for "subsidized housing" in Georgetown so I can be near my job (and WT headquarters, of course ). I guess it's still on for next weekend with Lawrence. I'll see you then.


  • mouthy

    I will be there if I dont kick the bucket before

  • fjtoth
    I will be there if I dont kick the bucket before

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