Should I admit to JWs that I am disfellowshipped?

by jwfacts 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jwfacts

    I know about 2000 JWs in Sydney, and have 50 that are tax clients, so barely a week goes by without bumping into someone I know. It seems that few of them realise that I am disfellowshipped because they talk freely to me. Last week I accidently sat next to an elder on the train and we engaged in small talk for over 30 minutes.

    Should I admit to these people that I am not a JW?

    Presently I just blab on like nothing has changed. It just gets awkward when they ask questions about my congregation, such as, "are you still in Parramatta cong?" My normal reply is 'I havent moved".

    I have two options;

    1. Get in a few comments about why I no longer believe, before they start running for the door.
    2. Pretend nothing has changed so that when they find out I am an apostate they wonder why I am still acting normal

    Any suggestions?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    screw them man! i say # 2.

    peace out,


  • tetrapod.sapien
    Presently I just blab on like nothing has changed. It just gets awkward when they ask questions about my congregation, such as, "are you still in Parramatta cong?" My normal reply is 'I havent moved".

    lol. why the conservative answer? i have been asked the exact same thing by witnoids that are a little removed from the scene here. i just tell them that "i apostasized and DA'd myself last year." and then in the middle of their shocked look before they walk the other direction, i throw in a little, "you know it's not The Truth, right?"



  • jwfacts
    "you know it's not The Truth, right?"

    I like that. I think I will take it case by case. The ones that were nice i don't want to scare, but i can't wait to get my hands on some of the manipulative nutcases i had to put up with over the years.

  • collegegirl21

    Pretend nothing happened. its their thing honey, not yours.

  • mjarka911

    I like the choice of not playing by their rules. Think about it if you:

    a. Tell them your DF'd, they shun you or

    b. Don't tell them. Then they either:

    1. Find out and Shun you
    2. Don't discover it and continue normal relations

    It's their dumbass rules, not your anymore!


  • Fleshybirdfodder

    I agree with not making a big deal about it. You can kind of tell the difference between an innocent question and self-righteous probing. Your taking it case by case is the best way. If they are being nosy send them running with some good ol' apostasy.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hm, well, I recently was able to get in touch with an old friend who I'd assumed was no longer jw. I told her off the bat I had left the Org and well, it didn't go much farther then that.

    Don't bring it up, if they ask, say you don't attend meetings any longer. This way they might (maybe, possibly who knows) pick yer brain a bit to find out why you aren't going to meetings. Leaving you an opening to tell them what happened. Otherwise, telling them you're df'ed, closes the door right away.


  • inbyathread

    My question to you is, if the 50 that are your tax clients stoped using your services, would that cause a financial strain.

    Certainly you could replace them with new clients but the transition time could be a tax on the pocketbook (pun intended)

    I agree that you should say nothing. If they find out they will see you as happy and successful.

  • lv4fer

    Why would you admit to them that you are no longer a JW? I say just make small talk and unless you are asked the direct question are you a JW still or do you still attend meetings, just let them think what they may. If they do ask you, just answer them with something like, Well I've been inactive for some time. Or you can always tell them you aren't one anymore.

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