Nephilim - 1914 - And a Question.

by MidwichCuckoo 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos
    So I wonder if the Society has ever tried to reconcile Jude 6 with their claim that it is the fallen angels, not the spirits of the giants, that wander the earth as demons

    As far as I remember they just interpret Jude symbolically, the "chains" standing for limited restrictions (or restricted limitations) of their power (e.g. to "materialise").

  • Poztate
    Clearly God created Angels with the ability to take on human form and procreate......

    What I find strange is that they all took the MALE form on to procreate as humans.

    Is there something to the old saying "it is better to give than to receive"..

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Jude 6 reads to me that it's the original fallen angels that are imprisoned (NWT, I really MUST get another Bible) - I can't see as that could be Symbolic.

    Thanks for your comments all - very interesting. I was also considering that Satan Himself would have 'fathered' one of these giants.

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