were you forced to join the (misery ) ministry school?

by headmath 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • What-A-Coincidence

    i was forced many times after I vehemently told them i did not want to. ironically the brothers and sisters told me i gave the most interesting talks .... yeah, that''s cause i did not want to bore them with the same wt style.

    i was meant to leave as soon as i entered.

  • Mysterious

    I always thought it wasnt fair that "brothers" could read a passage of the bible and have it count as a talk but "sisters" only had full talks that needed preparation. My friend used to read his bible passage over right before the meeting then give it but my mom made me practice my talks with her over and over again until I wanted to puke. I wish I could have just written it and given it I'm good at ad libbing. I was I think 11 when I joined and angry when I was upstaged by a snotty boy in the congregation who joined at 8 just after me and my friend to upstage us. He become an undunked publisher the same time as us too though I was the one that decided to do it and 2 more youths just bandwagoned on my lead. Of the three of us only the snotty one is still a jw haha. I remember how much mom would panic when I hadnt been assigned a part for a while, it really was a status thing.

    I always thought it wasnt fair when people werent in the school and I had to be. I kept asking why they never gave talks. I put my last few talks off for so long my mom had to write them for me so she wouldn't be embarassed if I had to "cancel" at the last minute. My last talk ever I didnt write, I practiced it with her twice and then I faked sick. I never sleep during the day, ever. So I came home from school (my father who is inactive but active on jwd at the time was in on it) and as soon as her car pulled in I jumped in bed and had dad tell her I came home sick from school and had been sleeping since. She checked on me several times but never knew I was awake and faking I was good with my breathing. It was so hot and smothering but I needed all the blankets so she'd think I was sick, and I was starving. After dinner she left for the meeting and dad came and got me and made me supper. We watched of all things Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on tv and talked about stuff. It was really surreal and weird. She gave the talk for me of course and confronted me once asking if I had faked to get out of it and I said you know Ive never done that and she left me alone. I'm sure she figured it out after when I quit going. The idea of giving that talk made me sick I had a thread on it here. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/62675/1.ashx My last talk was about how Jesus' ransom sacrifice affects us. There was NO source material, it was a research talk. Which made it even worse to think about doing. Oh and my setting was explaining to a worldy relative why I *want* to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • under_believer

    Mysterious, the gender inequality problems in the School have always bothered me since I was a little kid. I never experienced the nervousness you do, but a lot of people do. It is all around a wacky practice and not biblical at all (which is why some people get away with just not doing it.)

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