Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-28-06 WT Study (HANDS)

by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    Actually they are liars when they say that the Great Crowd "apparently" serve in the outer (earthly) courtyard.

    At Rev 7 it says in the greek that they were serving in the Temple Sanctuary "the divine dwelling place", in the same place where the living creatures and the lamb are spoken of as being.

    Blondie - in order to keep lunch down I skimmed much of the article. Was Jesus Christ even mentioned?


  • HadEnuf
    but the fact is that pursuing "dead works" can result in the loss of Jehovah's favor and blessing. You can see how sad a development that would be. It would mean the loss of the joy and peace that God's spirit produces. And imagine what a loss it would be not to share in the warm Christian brotherhood! -

    Blondie...this called for a VOMIT ALERT!! I would rephrase this to say: "You can see what a happy development that would be. It would mean more joy and peace in your life. As an added would not have to share in the cold, hypocritical, unloving Christian "brotherhood" anymore"!

    You do so good on these Blondie.

    With appreciation for all your hard work...hug...cathy l.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Blondie,

    Thank you for the article and your comments. Do you have any idea where I can find the information you and Leolia were discussing earlier? Here is what I am refering to. Maybe Leolia you may know..

    Thank you,

    Lady Liberty

    Also there is no hint here that such "captivity" involved their own attempts at compromise with the political powers (which they condemn the rest of BtG for doing), such as urging the purchase of Liberty Bonds, publishing articles praising the American government and its fight in WWI, asking for participation in a National Day of Prayer and Supplication (as all the other "BtG" churches were doing), etc.

  • Severus

    Any coincidence that this WT Study is scheduled for a major US holiday, Memorial Day?

    Signalling the beginning of summer activity, all the JW zealnots will be towing their new boats to the lake instead of choking on this guilt.

    IMO this is preaching to the choir, designed to mark the fringe JWs in the minds of the faithful.

  • truthseeker

    Another excellent article Blondie!

    As usual, Watchotower tries to equare everything we do for fun as having some sort of spiritual value assigned to it.

    So yes, advanced education, personal fulfillment is spiritually dead, because these are not spiritual activities - they are human, physical activities and should be enjoyed as such.

    It's clear there is a deep malaise within the organization.

    They have lost all credibility with those who see through them - it's end game for WT now.

  • lovelylil

    Great study, thanks!

    Hamster - thanks for bringing out the point of the great crowd being in the inner sanctuary where God is and the four living creatures, etc. This is the same point I was going to make. If you read Revelation chapter 4 - it gives a description of everything surrounding the throne and this matches what is around the throne where the great crowd is. So they are obviously in heaven! There is no basis whatsoever to say they are on the earth. As we know this is the lie to justify the two classes of christians.

    Also, I had a good laugh at the "warm brotherhood" - Not to be judgemental, but are they smoking crack in the writing dept? It used to burn me up when at the conventions, they would ask from the platform, "isn't it wonderful to be part of such a warm loving brotherhood?" and then everyone would clap and I would want to vomit.

    I used to mumble under my breath and my hubby would get totally p**ed at me. Anyway, thanks again for the real spiritual food.

    Disclaimer: I in no way wish to offend any individual JWs, my only complaint is against the WT Society. To all you JW lurkers - I pray every day for your release from spiritual captivity. So please do not take offense at my sometimes strong statements against the WT society. Peace be with you, Lilly Good night everyone.

  • BluesBrother

    So brothers, are you feeling down, - job not going well?, the bad back playing up again? money worries? - the solution is simple , just go out on the ministry , and again and again. Then God will "bless you" and your problems will be solved ....that is what they seem to be saying .

    10) Just as Jehovah blessed those Jews spiritually and materially, so he will bless us as we diligently, and with a happy heart, do the work he has assigned to us. These blessings include peace among ourselves, security, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Yet, you can be certain that God's continued blessing depends on our doing the work at the spiritual temple in the way that Jehovah wants it done.

    What is this blessing thing anyway? They mention the word "Prosperity", surely not a promise of wealth if the dubs do what they are told? Perhaps they mean "Spiritual prosperity" whatever that means. If they mean simply a zeal to do the work, then they must already have that in order to be going out. So what is this blessing??

    Perhaps I am just a stupid apostate whose brain has been addled by the internet . So I am told anyway! Oh well, it is a "cold dark day coming" according to para 18.

  • hamsterbait


    "God's continued blessing depends on our doing the work etc"

    ANOTHER LIE. God's continued blessing is through his grace, and having faith in Christ. (Freddie must have missed that)

    1Cor 3 says that whatever a man's works are (not wicked) whether wood gold or silver, he will be saved through faith even though his works are consumed.

    Presumably then if we don't avoid going sailing on a holiday weekend we will die.


  • heathen

    There is just way too much spin to take this article as any form of reproving from God . At first I thought they were going to say they were the prophet but then dodge the issue in the end by saying it was about the old testament prophets . Way to bait and switch there WTBTS. I also think the GC in revelation are shown as actually being in the temple where they worship Revs 7:15 . Not just the temple courtyard . The 2 witnesses in Revelation were prophets and could even cause every sort of plague to come about . We know for a fact that the WTBTS did not say the world ended invisibly in 1914 until there were several attempts at saying it was a literal fullfillment . I would think at this point they could at at least make that an asterik at the bottom of the page somewhere . Then as they so cleverly joined the scarlet beast as an NGO and got busted , you would think they could at least address those accusations and fess up to it but instead once again it's the R$F's fault for the lack of Gods blessing because they are interested in other things or going to college .

  • cyberguy

    You may know of some who were gradually distracted from Christian activities and from the congregation; now they show no inclination to return to Jehovah's service.

    You bet! I have NO desire to be in the Watchtower’s service ever again!!!

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