Woman rips off her husband's testicles with bare hands...

by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    Something similar happened to my friend's brother. His wife only managed to rip out one (lefty) by the roots, however. A very good testimony to staying away from drugs. (That was what started the whole thing.)

    Seems he "took" something that was her's and while he was in the drug-induced stupor, she went crazy from withdrawls, and tried to neuter him. THAT woke him up!!!

    Unfortunately, two of their children witnessed this. What a horrible thing to do in front of your children. These are self-proclaimed, non-practicing Catholics, who do not attend church or adhere to any of the Catholic beliefs, except the one about birth control. They just keep popping the kids out. Can't take the pill or get fixed, because it's against their "religion". They violate the ten commandments regularly. But, by golly, they are not using birth control! This IS NOT a slam against Catholics, by the way! This is a prime example of someone claiming to be something they are not. They are no more Catholic, than I am a millionaire. Brings to mind that saying, "Just because you are standing in a garage, doesn't mean you are a car. The same goes for standing in a church building. It doesn't mean you are a Christian.)

    Anyway, this fine fellow's sister is a friend of mine. On her birthday, I sent her a card that had a squirrel holding a walnut in his left paw. Inside the card it said: "Chucky the squirrel says he will give his left nut, if you will just have a happy birthday!" It seemed to fit the scenario, and my friend appreciated the irony, with a good sense of humor. Make lemonade of the lemons! I sure hope she didn't show that card to her brother!

  • MsMcDucket

    Many women wouldn't have the balls to do something like that. But, if you get mad enough, ain't no telling what you can do! Lordy! Talk about blue balls! I bet his are singing the blues.

    ~~~Me and my baby had fight~~~

    ~~~She pulled off my nuts last nite~~~

    ~~~So, no mo' thrills~~~~

    ~~~On blueberry hills~~~


  • delilah

    His wife only managed to rip out one (lefty) by the roots,

    BY THE ROOTS?????? OMG....now THAT is disgusting...destestiBALL....I've heard of a woman being so mad that she KICKED him in the yarbles, but RIP them out by the roots?

  • pepino300
    she was arrested or not ?
  • 2+2=5
    It's a 10 year old thread. Nice read though.
  • blondie
    I remember a story about an older woman who grabbed her attacker by the gonads until the police came and arrested him.
  • jaydee
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    blondie: Maybe this is the story "Remarkable People": Curtescine Lloyd.. A woman not

    to be trifled with.


  • Simon
    10 years ago? They must have grown back by now ... right?
  • prologos
    in her bare hands, That gives a new meaning to the expression "the lady has balls" ! , bare hands too, she took her gloves off?

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