Sagan and anyone who care toreply

by jw 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectrum

    What planet are you on?

    That was a serious answer with a serious point.
    Why don't you try refuting it instead of being condesending?

  • justsomedude

    Everything we know in this realm has a beginning and an end.

    I couldnt have said it better myself.

    Edit: Was going to tackle the "This is the physical universe, stop trying to apply these Laws to realms you know nothing about." , but its already been covered.
  • jstalin
    This is the physical universe, stop trying to apply these Laws to realms you know nothing about.

    With all due respect, god is a subject that you can know nothing about as well. You pre-suppose that there is a god. How do you know? There is no evidence for said god-being. You form a straw-man argument by saying that there must be a god because we are too complex for there not to be a god, yet promptly exempt god from that requirement. I argue based on facts, evidence, and testable theories, which all work to explain the universe around us quite well. God has yet to be demonstrated or show up to say "hi."

    God is purely an emotional, internal experience.

  • Tea4Two

    Quite frankly, The creation story makes more sense to me than the evolution of Homo Sapiens. Where I think of evolution, I see deformed creatures.

  • jstalin

    As for JW - you clearly are not interested in intellectual debate. My initial response was one based on science. You immediately then accuse me, and others, of being unintelligent. Your head is stuck in the sand and you are unable to debate facts or reality, so your response to anyone who doesn't post what you want to hear is to call them unintelligent. That's the initial response of the individual who is simply unable to debate the issue at hand - attack the person, not the argument.

    I'm more than happy to listen to and debate competing theories, as long as they are backed up with demonstrable facts. You, my friend, need to look deep inside yourself and ask why you're even here in the first place, posting obvious troll threads.

  • AuldSoul


    Would you say that the field of abiogenesis has a model that explains all necessary realities? I was blithely unaware of the existence of such a model. Unless one exists to whic you can direct my attention, I think I will still have to challenge your statement:

    I argue based on facts, evidence, and testable theories, which all work to explain the universe around us quite well.

    As far as I am aware, abiogenesis requires quite a lot that has not yet been explained in any model. But I am open to the prospect of being proven wrong. I like the experience. It tickles.

    Since jw requested replies dealing with the arrival of human life, I assume your explanation would begin with the arrival of life. Please, demonstrate an abiogenesis model that accounts for the existence of life.


  • lovelylil


    I agree with you. Here are my beliefs in a nutshell,

    The evidence around us is overwelming that their is an intelligence behind all creation. Some say it is God, others ascribe to the intelligent design theory without acknowleging a personal God. To that I say - to each his own. I believe in a personal God.

    I am not a young earth proponent though because there is evidence that the generations listed in the Old Testament is not complete. And sometimes when it says the "son of", it means "grandson of" so this would make mankind older than the few thousand years that some believe. Because I believe there is evidence of this - I personally see no reason to doubt scientists dating of man or the earth.

    Although I believe God made all life, it is hard for me to say there is no evolution. If animals adapt over time to changing environment, that is a form of evolution. But I do not believe life, even if it evolves in some degree came POOF out of nowhere.

    Other evidence of a sort of evolving world is that our universe is still expanding. Scientists can prove this and I cannot refute it.

    What I don't agree with evolutionists on is that animals or anything else evolved from totally different things. For instance some believe man came from a type of alligator looking sea creature. Although man most likely looked different than he does today, he was always a man, made in the image of God. Unless scientists can find the coveted "missing link" they have been searching for, I will stick with my opinion.

    Also, I believe, like the bible states that species reproduce according to their kind.

    I believe science and God can go together. You just have to analyze the evidence without just dismissing it because of a long held belief.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Right this minute jw is sat at her computer pissing her knickers with laughter over how easy it is to get you lot wound up. To her this is like sticking a stick in an ants nest and watching them all scurry about. When are you lot going to wake up and realise she is a TROLL

  • jstalin
    Would you say that the field of abiogenesis has a model that explains all necessary realities?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "all necessary realities."

    As far as I am aware, abiogenesis requires quite a lot that has not yet been explained in any model. But I am open to the prospect of being proven wrong. I like the experience. It tickles.

    Heck, me too. It's a theory that is still being worked on. One example of a step in the right direction in vindicating that theory is the Miller Uray experiment:

    Could it have been aliens? Maybe. Could it have been god? Maybe. Could it have been the flying spaghetti monster? Maybe. But since there's no evidence of those theories, I prefer to go with theory that at least shows a modicum of logic and evidence. I could be wrong, certainly, but show me the money!

  • jstalin
    Right this minute ;jw is sat at her computer pissing her knickers with laughter over how easy it is to get you lot wound up. To her this is like sticking a stick in an ants nest and watching them all scurry about. When are you lot going to wake up and realise she is a TROLL

    You're probably right. But I like to get wound up once in a while. It's a win-win situation then.

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