Did you ever write an excuse on the back of your service report?

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Genesis


  • BritBoy

    I used to just lie about the hours I had done.

  • under_believer

    No, never any excuses. It's weird too. I'm inactive™ but the secretary™ or his assistant still call me each month for the "nope, I got no time™ in service™" conversation.

  • ?me?

    time slip. the sec. called and i was too lazy to check the caller id, so i answered. he wanted my time fo r the previous month "because he HAD to do the report before tomorrow". i told him we did not have it handy and so he said to just call and leave it on the voicemail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ooooopppppsssss i forgot.

    it took all of my strength not to tell him "please don't call me for something that is voluntary"...

    atleast they have forgotton about the new arrangement they had a for a few years. the bookstudy overseer was incharge of harrassing you for your time, they actually got a list from the secretary of people who had not turned in their time and he would ask you or encourage you to give it to him... fortunately i have not had to go out on saturday for a few month because we have sunday morning meeting and me and my wife can meet with the group then and "do some calls " on the way home... plus i will have alot of RBC time i will count whether they like it or not

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    My 2nd failed pregnancy (2003) went into the 4th month and was medically traumatic the last 2 months. I was directed to write on my service report that medical conditions hindered my ability to perform my field service activities. My subsequent surgeries and injuries from my husband did not draw any attention and I ceased from filing my service report. Over a year past and the CO's wife visited with my JW Pioneer mom. Hell broke loose because I was not counselled or allowed to count 15 minute increments which were allowed at the time for those in my circumstances (2004). My mom begged me to make light of this so she would not be punished and to be as forgiving as possible for her sake. The COs wife asked me to submit to the order of the men being above us and, though they had errored, view myself as more sinful than them. I hadn't been able to heal enough to attend any assemblies or go to work in ages and no one returned my called from the KH or visited me. Per my husband, he spoke on my behalf and I was a disappointment to the KH elders. Also, per my husband, I was no longer being abused, I was just depressed and lazy. F them all. And thank them all. I am free.

  • luna2

    No, JH...of course, I never received any sort of instruction about service or time cards at all.

    For a couple of months as an unbaptised publisher (or whatever the hell we were called back then) I did probably 20 hours or more/month out in service as I wasn't working at the time. Nobody told me I was to turn in time. Didn't find out that I should have until meeting with the PO going over baptism info and he made a comment that I hadn't been out in service. He was a jackass anyway...very judgmental and cold. I should have allowed myself to get annoyed and walked away right then but, nooooo, I take it as some sort of test of my dedication or something.

    please don't call me for something that is voluntary
    YES! LOL I thought this sh*t was voluntary as a stupid Bible study. I didn't know it was like a freaking job that we had to clock in and out of.
  • MissBehave

    no, but once I drew a picture of the Harley Davidson Keep On Truckin' dude.

  • unclebruce
    Did you ever write an excuse on the back of your service report?

    LMAO - the very idea!

    I remember the one time I aux pioneered. I only got 57 hours. The elder I was giving it to told me to just write down 60

    G'day riverofdeceit,

    The last time I auxillary pioneered I only got 58. The PO said to write 60 but I said no way .. that'd be lying! This was just before I left - I was starting to get a tad bolshe


    ps: What he was really worried about was getting his arse kicked by the Bishop Circuit Serpent.


  • unclebruce

    Dear Watchtower Bible and Tract society,

    I owe you 2 hours service with interest dating back to 1986.

    I will repay upon receipt of my Everlasting Life on a Paradise Earth. Till then get stuffed!

    Yours sinccerly, u nclebruce

    Tanja New South Wales

  • sass_my_frass

    No; while I was still reporting I'd lie (a different amount of hours each month). The six months it took to become inactive were six simple statements of 'no I didn't go out'. Said assertively enough, they were always too afraid to ask why. I was polite though, I always pitied the poor sods who had to do that stats thing by the fourth of every month.

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