I found this and am in total agreement. Feel free to answer the Questions.

by jw 155 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    oh man...stick to one thing at a time. you can only be shot down so many times in a day

  • jw


    As for being here , all I will say is all the theories thus posted on why here are all wrong.

    However, thxs for replying .

  • jojochan
    The bible speaks about individuals like yourself--who would speak against God's people, but You cannot mock Jehovah, whatever you are sowing you will reap....if you don't believe in Jehovah...who do you pray to now? He only listens to those that are busy doing his will, not those that are looking to glorify themselves....you really are following in your fathers' footsteps--Satan, the devil. Your articles have a lot of material, however, you fail to have scriptural backup.....how true can it be....when not one scripture is sighted! ........zzzz

    ...o rly?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    jw I am curious about something.

    When I was in the processing of exiting this sect back in 1989, I argued with all 9 of the elders in my congregation (White Rock, Dallas Texas) and they sounded similar to you (and other Witnesses). But I asked them a question they could not answer and I've never seen the Society attempt to address it either.

    Say you were Joe Israelite and you were a faithful worshiper of Jehovah. But then one of the bad kings comes along and the temple is turned over to the worship of Baal or Morduk (or some other false god). There are no priests, no Levites, no one teaching the Law correctly. There is no organization and no way to travel safely to the temple in Jerusalem without fear of being killed, or having your wife stolen into prostitution or your children kidnapped and burned alive in sacrifice to a false god.

    So the question is: What did that faithful Israelite do? How did he (or she) worship Jehovah without an organization? Realize that one could live out their entire life without ever having the organization Jehovah himself set up to show the way. (It was even worse in the 10 tribe kingdom as they went centuries without the 'true' organization teaching them.) Faithful Joe Israelite would have been on his own. Does he show loyalty to Jehovah's organization or does his follow his Bible trained conscience? Jehovah's organization would be telling him (perhaps even on pain of death or being shunned by his family) to do something he knew to be wrong: follow false gods, believe false teachings and perhaps even put his family in physical danger. And yet his conscience would tell him to reject Baal, reject child sacrifice and stay true to Jehovah. But in so doing, isn't that going against Jehovah's organization?

    Realize also that this was an organization Jehovah himself created, painstakingly created laws for, and yet it went apostate. The same thing happened again with the organization Jesus set up. It too went apostate. Two organizations created set up and administered by God himself and his Son, both sending prophets and miracles to keep it going and yet both went apostate. And yet somehow THIS organization, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, is incapable of the same fate? This despite the fact that it is only 'spirit directed', with no prophets, no miracles, no Biblical writings to guide it?

    My second question to those elders, and to you if you don't mind me asking, is ... why? Why wouldn't this modern religious sect also go astray? What is so special about it that it can avoid the same fate as ancient Israel and Christianity?



  • sf

    Although submitting a post on this trolls thread I will be guilty of doing what I'm about to state, please pardon me. It will be the last post I feed him/ her.

    Is it not possible that these trolls make these threads in order that people will be so tempted to reply, thusly keeping more important threads buried?

    Please consider this: if you starve a troll, they are depleted of energy they need to stay sustained. Thusly, they will be "drained" and lifeless.

    Thx, sKally

  • jw

    The offer is for freedom, freedom from man rule and slavery to ideals that are created by a publishing company.

    In a way you are right here.

    Satan offers freedom and God offers life , and to respectfully serve him of own free will, and all will be good with that.

    But you can not say in all honesty you have or will have total freedom from man And slavery.

    We all all under mans rule as I type!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    JW wrote:

    24 Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, and He that formed thee from the womb: I am the LORD, that maketh all things; that stretched forth the heavens alone; that spread abroad the earth by Myself; Where does it say Jesus????


    Hebrews 1 (NIV)

    1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

  • BritBoy

    JW: Why should I base my life on a 2000+ year old book of fables? Indeed jstalin, why indeed! I couldn't agree more! Anyone read a Prayer for Owen Meany? VERY interesting concept in the book about Owen being born to a virgin and how all the religions they turn to, spurned them and turned them away as freaks! And that is EXACTLY what they would do... Yet for some reason a book written by uneducated, supersticious people is accepted as gospal!!! I mean, talking freaking donkies? Talking, burning bushes? Talking serpents? (was there ANYTHING in the bible that does not talk???) Whales swallowing someone whole and spitting them out on a beach? Never ending fish being served? Water into wine at a wedding? GIVE ME A BREAK. Wake up and smell the coffee people!!!

  • KW13

    Jesus said "pay caesars things to caesar and Gods things to God"

    We all do that (whether its for Jesus or not) but there are democratic processes. The majority vote the government we have...we must respect that or break the law.

    If i get the sudden need to break the law, i will. till then...

  • jw

    Also I believe the donation that comes out of my paycheck every month to the RED CROSS does mankind much more good than knocking on people's doors to preach a big bunch of lies. I have to state that is not true about the red cross. They will publically help people in crisis but try asking without the cameras.

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