The Purpose and Meaning of Life

by streets76 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Hmmm. I'm not going to breed; I'm not really mother material and Mr Frass isn't interested. I guess I'll occasionally get some kind of biological reminder that I haven't fulfilled my evolutionary purpose and passed on my genes, but to be honest I think the planet can do without my genetic history. And my siblings are breeding for Jehovah, so they can do my share.

    Meaning... that sounds like too much of a challenge. If that's too big to shoot for at this time, try for things that bring enjoyment, engagement and fun for now. Do enough of them and you might hit one that brings you meaning, and if not, at least you've had fun trying!

  • Siddhashunyata

    Some have said that Being and Knowing occurs when the conscious and the unconcious are no longer seperate. Once one is awake in the unconscious ,there are no more questions about purpose and meaning. They suggest, since you are conscious and you have the unconscious within you, the place to start is within your own mind. Simply watch what it is doing ...........all the time. They ask, can you do this?

    Apparently, the unconscious is everything in your mind that you are not aware of, all conditioning , all memory, all experience, everything,including Being and Knowing. Because of language it sounds like you are attaining something. You are not. Being and Kowing is always there but hidden because of the separation between the conscious and the unconscious. Without Being and Knowing (They are one thing) there could be no consciousness with contents you are aware of,nor an unconscious with contents you are not fully aware of.

    Why the separation between the conscious and the unconscious? Some have suggested that it happened with the evolution of the cerebral cortex and the activity of thought. Some see a metaphor in the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden and note that the meaning of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad is just that.... the discriminating activity of the cerebral cortex leading to the separation of the mind into conscious and unconscious. The conscious part is where we have our identity of self. This must be seen as an illusion. The antidote is the Mind of Christ, the nondiscriminating knowledge of Being and Knowing ( The Will of the Father) that has always been and that resides within all men.

    This is all to be experienced within the mind and to most people it gives new "meaning" to the phrase "..know thyself". Because Being and Knowing are one thing , the conviction follows from the realization itself and the profundity of the experience can't be displaced by argument. This experience is anathema to organized religion . The experience liberates .

  • Poztate

    The Purpose of Life: Is to procreate.

    So if you have one child your life will now have purpose and meaning.

    Therefore if you have 10 children ....well life would be really fulfilling then.

    Not to mention busy....

  • AuldSoul

    Is obviously 42. I bet you don't even know where your towel is.

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