by badboy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    You cannot argue with truth. Ditto to all the posts.

  • Ariel84

    Absolutely! The P.O. and his wife were two perfect examples of self-importance and they raised there children to be the same way. People like that are nobodies in their everyday life but at the KH they can be "pillars of the congregation"

  • Kudra

    that is a large realization, IW, a reversal of roles in everyday life: the people who you once thought were the most important people ever are just average joes, no more deserving of a second thought than some random guy on the street. And everyone else? They are just the same as you- your peers.

  • Mary

    I think this is a problem in almost every Hall. One of the worst examples I've ever seen was by a CO several years ago. A humble sister, with not very much materially, (but who was an absolute sweetheart), invited him and his wife over for a meal during his visit. She also invited me and a few others along. The CO was extremely rude and arrogant to her and made some snide comments about the meal she had cooked. This poor sister was on the verge of tears and went into the kitchen to get dessert. I was disgusted and asked the CO if he was always this rude to the flock or maybe he was just in a bad mood.

    He was really pissed off that I had dared to open my mouth and say anything to him and he tried getting me in trouble with the elders afterwards. Fortunately for me, the elders thought he was an asshole too, and never pursued it further.

    Overall, there is an arrogance with many Dubs because they think they're God's Chosen's not until you leave that you can see how bad it really is.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Yes, plenty, and most of it among the elders, their wives and the servants and their wives.

  • snarf

    I remeber a little tiff between the mothers who homeschooled and those that didn't. The ones that homeschooled felt they were better parents for giving up material things to better the upbringing of their children so they wouldn't be taught the false doctrines of the schools.

  • DannyHaszard

    Exited-Rockland Massachusetts arrogant up the ass flunkys

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