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by jw 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • What-A-Coincidence

    JW does not answer a simple question. Why? I think we have a troll in the midst, or a troll coming out of the midst?

    - wac xBethelitexElder

  • Forscher
    Can you people honestly say Gods Spirit is Guiding you?

    What do you care about that anyway? But then your next line told us you don't really care at all. You are just trying to impress upon us all how superior you really are anyway.
    How like the Pharisees of old you are!

  • diamondblue1974

    Dont feed the trolls!


  • Alwayshere

    what-a-coincidence, I knew he couldn't answer the question, thats why I ask it.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    It appears that JW is a and not a . Her 1st posts were pretty good. Now it's like vague posts. She is a mysterious poster. Kinda fun though. Keeps the forum rolling.

  • Carmel

    JW, if you want a positive discussion why don't you download the "Kitab Igan" and "Kitab I aqdas" and we will discuss being guided by the Holy Spirit. If they are too long or over your head, we'll just stick to "Hidden Words". Come on over and have coffee or even diner and we can relax and explore my library. I have the redletter version of KG as well as other versions. We can have some fun cross referencing some quotes from the OT and NT with Rodwell's translation of the Quran and "Some Answered Questions".

    The ball's in your court!


  • Forscher
    Dont feed the trolls!

    But they look sooo hungry Db! Please? Just a little bit??

  • MidwichCuckoo
    I am insinuating that this site is not guided by Gods spirit based on all the horrible replies and insults.

    .......that's EXACTLY what I felt at the Kingdom Hall.

  • the sage
    the sage

    Maybe its because we on this form, along with all others, who are getting out of the false religions of this world,' babylon', have been invited to the 'great evening meal of God.(Rev.17:17). Called as birds of prey,as was 'Cyrus the Great (Is.46:11) used by God to eat up and expose the lies & corruption of the false religions of this world that profess to be the voice of God.

    the sage

  • Es

    hehehh great replies everybody.


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