You asked for an online list of WT misquotes......

by rebel8 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inbyathread

    Regarding #20 Not to sure which WT source you quoted from but I found a comment in the 4/15/01 watchtower page 17.

    Writes historian Paul Johnson: "[Apostate] Christianity began in confusion, controversy and schism and so it continued. . . .

    The source of this quote sites Christianity as a whole, apostolic Christianity,

    Apostolic and apostate are two different words with two different meanings.

    Apostolic - of or relating to the apostles, their times, doctrines, or teachings.

    Apostate - desertion or renunciation of one's religion, cause, political party, or principles.

  • sass_my_frass

    That is outstanding!!

  • Diogenes

    Rebel 8,

    Thank you so much! That is outstanding! I doff my cap to you in gratitude.


  • rebel8

    You're welcome.

    jw, This thread & the web page it refers to do not discuss the bible.

    20. Watchtower says: According to historian Paul Johnson, some destructive sects of Christianity began in a state of confusion. Source says: Christianity as a whole, apostolic Christianity, began in a state of confusion. By adding the word “apostate” to the quote, the WTS has changed the essential meaning.

    Yeah, the other poster explained it well. The WT is saying the historian was referring to just the false sects in Christianity, but the source material indicates he was talking about all Xianity. I got this from another thread here on JWD. I'll go look for it & I'll be back with a link if I find it.
  • jw

    bad example try again.

  • jw

    I really do not care what Jw's in the Congregation or the leaders do or say. Because the bible scriptures read to not trust man only God. Sooo I don't get why soo much hate for them is needed. Because the Scriptures also read to forgive or you will not be forgiven.

    Jw's deeds are irrelevant to me unless it involves my familia.

  • ballistic

    You could have a section on there for Evolution. My mate knew Fred Hoyle and he said himself that most of his quotations in the Creation book were taken out of context or twisted. Trouble is I don't know which bits exactly, but presumably if you looked at the Fred Hoyle quotes and then at his works, one would be able to see if he was right.

  • jw

    why you have decided not to obey the "faithful discreet slave" class and are on an apostate site?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Great stuff rebel, thankyou

    jw, you wrote:

    You should always verify what man says

    I agree. I'd really love to see the wt try to verify some of their "source quotes" in the blood brochure, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • jw

    Can you explain to me where it says in Genesis not to eat blood?

    Why just Genesis it says it in the bible is that not enough.

    Can you also explain why an Mosaic law reference is applicable since we all know the Mosaic Law no longer is in effect?
    All scriptures are beneficial!

    You may then wish to explain why Paul says at 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 that eating food sacrificed to idols is acceptable if Acts 15 said it is not? Or why Acts 15 says there are only four necessary abstainances when clearly murder etc are still wrong?

    The point is the bible states not to eat blood and All scriptures are beneficial!
    Why would you want to eat blood anyway?

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