My Birthday

by Madame Quixote 11 Replies latest social family

  • delilah

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, Madame....Hope you and your daughter had a wonderful day celebrating!!! I hope the foot heals well too....

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Thanks everybody! I'm definitely over feeling sorry for myself. I treated myself to some new clothes this week and got a cute new pocketbook, too.

    Anyhoo, done with being blue (for now).

    I really do appreciate the birthday wishes! Sorry I didn't see them before now, and say thanks sooner!

    It's really delightful what you do with computer graphics nowadays.

    Thanks again, everyone for the well wishes and the birthday wishes and all the adorable piccies!

    You really put a smile on my face. Hope I can do the same for you sometime, too!

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