by SHUNNED FATHER 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    if you have a relative, and the only time that relative contacts you is when they need money;

    That sounds a bit like my experience in the borg. The only time my phone rang was when someone wanted to extract something from me. I didn't put up with it then, and I won't now either.

    Since some see fit to advertise the extent of their generosity, which I personally think is in bad taste, I guess I'll do the same.



  • Rig Boy
    Rig Boy

    Bwahahahaha! You Watchtower Governing Body members are pathetic. Why don't you get a real job? Your murdering, pedophilic, mind controlling asses will be dealt with one way or the other. Whether it is through the Judicial system or not, God will deal with you occultic pedalers. Your judgement draweth nigh. Repent while you still have time. Turn and leave the Watchtower Org, and join our fight against this evil tyrannical cult of misery.

    "To sin by silence when one should protest, makes cowards of men."

  • looking_glass

    Interesting on this thread has turned into a bit of mud slinging. It is a shame really.

  • dwarfw

    As Lawrence said: "I was told before I contacted this lawyer that I would be very lucky if I got him to represent me and that he is the best lawyer in Calgary to handle this case. He has forty years experience. In order to have this Lawfirm represent me, I need to give them a retainer of $10,000. So far many of you have sent donations. I have collected $1,200 so far. I would like to thank you for your support. Will you find it in your heart to donate more. Two persons from my workplace, an Accountant and a Commisionaire of Oaths have set up a TRUST FUND to cover the legal expenses. I do not have access to this account. Both their signatures are required to make out cheques to the lawyer. The donations will be returned to you if I win the lawsuit or if the donations are not needed. Your anonymity will be protected and I will be the only person keeping a record of who donates.
    The name of the Trust Fund is “ SAVE THE CHILDREN”. The cheques should be made out to: “ SAVE THE CHILDREN” and mailed to:

    SAVE THE CHILDREN C/O Lawrence Hughes P.O 20161 Calgary Place, RPO

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 4J3"

  • DanTheMan

    $100 Canadian coming your way Lawrence. Hope you win your battle against those evil fundy bastards.

  • joanne_

    IW...the point is, is that a person should have the right to decide on their treatment without pressure from their religious organization. God is a God of love, and I do not believe for one minute, that he thinks we should go this far. Life if prescious, and we should do all we can to preserve it. I believe God gave man the gift to prolong life. If you think for one minute that Bethany's situation brought a 'good witness to Jehovah' you are wrong. Alot of people are turned off organized religion, just for these reasons exactly. And yes, I heard that Bethany was tied down and forced the transfusions. She felt bad and guilty only because she was mislead to believe that this was all bad. If the WTS would only stay out of peoples affairs and let them do what they need to do, then none of this would have happened. The WTS is very good at putting on restrictions and controls on its people, that I do not believe comes from God. Like I said, I believe God is a God of Love, and that is what I want to continue to believe.

  • IW

    Hi Lawrence,

    Well, it seems my posts on this thread have been a catalyst for loud declarations of support for you, both in word and money. This is fine.

    In February, 2004 a Newsweek magazine front cover asked, "Who Really Killed Jesus?" Interesting question. Turning the question to the present conversation: Who really killed your daughter? Did she receive the blood transfusions the Drs. said she needed? Was there some delay in her treatment? Did the Canadian government do their job? Did they protect a minor?

    If they did not protect a minor then you should rightly be angry with your government. If they did protect a minor but failed to save your daughter then who is to blame? If there was a delay in treatment why was that? Lawrence, I brought up my children in the JW religion. I taught them not to accept blood. I believed it. If I had not believed it I would not have taught it to my children! Bro, once I indoctrinated my children in the JW religion should I really be surprised if they adhere to it? No!

    I never took the blood issue lightly! Never! If we teach our children to die over a cause that is what they will probably do.

    I am seeking reason here, nothing more.


  • hubert

    IW, So now you are saying it's the governemnts fault that Bethany died.

    Talk about turning things inside out !!

    Put the blame where it really should be... The WTBTS !!!


  • Quotes

    j2s said: "but don't let your pleas for help turn into demands for assistance"

    If my encouragement to get people to help out were perceived by you as a demand, I apologize. That was not my intention.

    As for Island "Straw Man Argument" Woman: If *THAT* was what this was about, you would be absolutely correct. Fortunately (for Lawrence) the issues you obsessively focus on are NOT what this case will turn on (unless, of course, the WTS attorneys are as successful as you are at subterfuge and misdirection).

    As I said before: if you don't feel comfortable donating, then simply do not.

    I, like many others here, know Lawrence in "real life", recognize the merits of the case (IW's red herrings not withstanding) and are comfortable with contributing.

    So, for those of you that "are going to get around to contributing" and can afford it, and have already decided that it is a good cause, but you will "do it tomorrow" -- please don't put it off too much longer.

    (Disclaimer: the preceding was a sincere request, and should *NOT* be construed as a demand)


  • IW

    No Hubert I'm not saying that.

    Do you have children? Did you teach your children to not take blood? Ray Franz and his wife also refused blood though she came close to dying. JWs who refuse blood refuse because they really believe it! Were you a JW? Did you sign the blood card?


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