Share the Wealth on April 12th! Watchtower Takes Notice!!

by Severus 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Genesis

    Canadian WT Money would be very great, or maybe doing one in french since people's here in quebec province mostly speak french, I'll give it a try !

    Share the Wealth !!!


  • Lapuce

    Its funny Genesis that you mention Canadian money, I did an e-mail to Dan Hazard about this a few hours ago, it would be good and yes in french as I am from a French congregation... It would make a big impact. I also suggested British pounds and Austalian Dollars, and Euros would be good too....


  • Lilycurly

    Strangely, I live in a French place, and I speak french, but it never came to my mind that the bills were US and I just assumed that people would read them anyway....

  • Finally-Free

    For those going to the memorialâ„¢ tonight, don't forget to make a contribution.


  • Lapuce

    So has anything come out of this campaign??? heard nothing so far....

    Severus: I did those 5,10,and20$ scans for you of Canadian dollars, I will e-mail to you later....

  • SickofLies

    I droped in two cheques at the memorial...

  • KW13
    KW, that's twice I've had to quote you in this one thread! I like your style!!

    oh thanks

    We might not see the results of this for a whole year, maybe longer. How long does it take to fade or realise what you just saw. We could of just started the journey for those who saw these cheques. Maybe they'll brush it off for a long time before they face what is going on in their head.

    Lets just be here for 'em.

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