Well they FINALLY CALLED!!!!

by Lady Liberty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello everyone,

    You have asked me to keep you posted as to what happens here regarding the Elders return. As many of you know, we have been waiting for over 2 months for any kind of word back from them. NOTHING!! I kept telling my husband, " You would think that they would at least call, and say they haven't forgotten about us, that they are doing the research they promised to do." But nothing until about 15 minutes ago. One of the Elders called (the PO ) and said, "We just didn't want you to think we have been neglecting you. (A little late for that!!) We have some things we'd like to share with you (hopefully it relates to the 607 issue that we presented to them). But we have the Memorial coming up, and then the Circut Assembly right after that, so it may be a couple of weeks until we get with you. We will be hosting the District Overseer and the Circuit Overseer so we will be really busy. The District Overseer will be giving our Memorial talk, so that will be quite a treat! The Memorial is at ....... " Finally!! However, I find it weird that they want to come back around when the Circuit Overseer and District Overseer are in the area. The Circuit Overseer went to my Grandmothers when visiting her hall about a month ago to ask specific questions about us. One was, do you know if they are getting on Apostate websites? My Grandmother plays both feilds. Who knows what she told them, however, she told me she told them she was sure we would never do a thing like that!! Anyway, my point is.. they are snooping around! And I have a feeling the research they are doing has nothing to do with 607! Well, we are readyfor them!! I have shared with you earlier some things that they will no way be able to explain away! They are going to have to get rid of us too. We know far too much for their liking! And like you Dan, well, they aren't going to be ok with more than one question. As I am typing this, it something occured to me. My sister-in-law, her mother, my brother-in law (who is a young newly appointed Elder) and the Elders themselves have consistantly asked, do you have any other questions?? If so what are they?? We never told them. But they were very persistant to ask everytime we corresponded. I bet you, after listening to the JC meeting with Dan, when the Elder told him the charge was Apostacy, and he asked, "Why because I have a question?? " And remember the Elder replied, "You have too many questions!! That's why!!" Well, I wonder if they are trained to trip you up, knowing that 607 opens "Pandoras Box" and you will have many other questions, if they cannot explain 607. Then they can use the same statement that they used on Dan in his meeting. Anyone out there that has been a Elder, or is currently serving want to answer that for me?? Well....seems like there is a whole lot of activity on JW Death Row!! I am sure we will be next!


    Lady Liberty

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    to be frank you know the only research they are doing and yes it has nothing to do with 607. they are trying to find a way to discredit you and therefore negate your question (and probably bring something against you.) I find it amazing that the only thing that brings the superfine apostles around is the CO and DO visit when they ask hey whats the deal with sister liberty or bro frosty.

  • candidlynuts

    well! good luck meeting with the elders and the big guys!

    they wont know what hit them when you come PREPARED!

  • heretic

    wow, i just had a call from two witnos they didnt know it was my place. I just let the uncomfortable silences roll and they left. I didnt want to get into any debates with them as it would achieve nothing, Ill save my energy for my family. sounds like things are heating up for you, good luck. I felt really uncomfortable with these two guys (one of whom didnt recognise me and he shouldve he announced my DFing!) I dont know why but it really shook me up i felt really shaky after it, i guess its like a physically abused child even though he grows up the parent always has that intimidation over him. Its sad. BTW do you have a recording of dans meeting with- 'after listening to the JC meeting with Dan, when the Elder told him the charge was Apostacy, and he asked, "Why because I have a question?? " And remember the Elder replied, "You have too many questions!! That's why!!"" or the thread?/

  • candidlynuts

    The judicial meeting tape is here, heretic http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/111238/1.ashx

  • SickofLies

    Well LL, you knew it would come to this eventually. Its a tough call, on one hand you could ignore them, however, if you ever attend a meeting or talk to another witness about 607 they will charge you with apostacy. You could just throw all the evidence in there face and ask them to send it to bethel to get an answer, that would get you disfellowshuped, but at least on your terms. Or you could continue to hide and avoid them and hope they don't make up some fake charges against you. Its a tough call. Remember for only $50 you can get a digital recorder from Radio Shack with 16 hours of recording time :)

    I wish you the best of luck on this one, and you have everyones support no matter which way you go on this one.

    ~ Dan

  • merfi
    for only $50 you can get a digital recorder from Radio Shack with 16 hours of recording time :)

    Which one is it?

    Tx :)


  • merfi

    Ya know, if they were REALLY wanting to "help" you -- you spiritually weak thing, you -- they wouldn't let all this other CO/DO/Mem stuff get in the way of rescuing the one lost sheep. You would be first on the list. To me, this just shows that you're probably going to be yet another victim of a kangaroo judicial committee where they've already decided what they want to do with you. I sincerely hope not, but it seems like that's how things have been going around here lately.

    I've read through your posts on 607 and feel that you have a totally locked argument. The WTS and these elders have no wiggle room -- they are wrong. But we know how well they like being backed into a corner. Good luck (yea, I said that) to you -- thinking of you.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Remember for only $50 you can get a digital recorder from Radio Shack with 16 hours of recording time :)

    Thanks Dan,

    I bought one and used it myself when they met here the last time. I will eventually post it as well. Believe you me, I would NEVER meet with them unless I had it recorded!! I actually am looking forward to the visit. Like you, I want it all on tape! Thank you all for your support. At leat we know were all in this together!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Good luck (yea, I said that) to you -- thinking of you.


    Dear Merfi,

    Thank you! I'ts amazing, thats for sure!! One day I may write a book. Shoot, we could all write a book just on this whole 607 thing alone! Well, at least if we go down, then it will be because they knew we knew the truth and they had to get rid of us. We have a clean conscience, and have done nothing wrong. I didn't create this mess of theirs, but since we have found it to be true, we now are suddenly guilty of Apostacy! Amazing isn't it!!


    Lady Liberty

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