Re: telling on one another

by A Paduan 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Read this on another board about jws "telling on one another"

    Sad and pathetic to the point of being humourous

    If things started to go wrong in the congregation (no increase in publishers/bible studies, teenagers playing up, contributions down) they would say Jehovah was witholding his spirit from the congregation because someone must be sinning secretly and thus offending his spirit, and this is why the congregation wasn't flourishing.

    Sometimes a "local needs talk" would be given, inferring someone must be sinning for this to be happening. Usually some poor 40+ never-married brother would come forward and admit to jacking off one lonely night the month before. His admission would result in private reproof and great embarrassment on his part.

    And the congregation would thus be "cleansed", until publisher numbers start to fall again, and the process starts all over again.

    Does that stuff really happen ?

  • gumby

    Hey APaduan.

    It would not be a first time that publishers(witnesses) have suspected serious wrongdoing on someones part as a reason for slow growth or a lack of godly zeal in a hall.

    The society has used the illustration of Achan in the bible who hid a treasure from the pagans(spoils) in his tent that he wasn't supposed to keep. Because he did this, the whole tribe suffered and when he was found out about, they prospered as a tribe again.

    On the other hand, you can have a flourishing congregation and come to find out there has been wife swapping going on for some time.

    Dubs blame Jehovah regardless whether they prosper or not. If they are not prospering, he's witholding his spirit for some reason such as apathy among them, lack of zeal, or serious sin being hidden. When they prosper, he must be blessing them. They never lose either way.


  • FlyingHighNow

    They don't reprove people for playing with themselves. Unless they maybe play with themselves in front of somebody else. That might be a problem.

  • unclebruce

    If things started to go wrong in the congregation (no increase in publishers/bible studies, teenagers playing up, contributions down) they would say Jehovah was witholding his spirit from the congregation because someone must be sinning secretly and thus offending his spirit, and this is why the congregation wasn't flourishing.

    Sometimes a "local needs talk" would be given, inferring someone must be sinning for this to be happening. Usually some poor 40+ never-married brother would come forward and admit to jacking off one lonely night the month before. His admission would result in private reproof and great embarrassment on his part.

    And the congregation would thus be "cleansed", until publisher numbers start to fall again, and the process starts all over again

    ***Does that stuff really happen ?***

    Yes Paduan, this is exactly what goes on. When I was an MS - I (half mischeviously) 'explained' to a fellow MS (a real brown noser / elder chaser) that Angels had removed Jehovah's Holy Spirit from the Congregation over the wrongdoing of one particular Elder (who it turned out was having an affair with a single sister).

    Well, of course the silly bugga had to expound this theory to his bum-buddy Elder (as if it were his own thoughts). Next thing David is heavily reproved and not at all pleased with me (who always, through cunning and being well versed in the truth™, managed to escaped judgement lol.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It's like a middle ages witch hunt to blame someone for a poor crop !

  • Inquisitor
    They don't reprove people for playing with themselves. Unless they maybe play with themselves in front of somebody else.

    I don't know if it is officially termed "reproof", but wouldn't the BOE prevent an individual from commenting at meetings if he/she confesses to masturbation?


    “I pummel my body and lead it as a slave.” (1 Corinthians 9:27)

    Rabbi INQ's interpretation: "I beat my meat and well does it serve my needs"

  • Lapuce

    No they wont DF you but you will not have extra privilges or loose the ones you have....

  • gumby
    I don't know if it is officially termed "reproof", but wouldn't the BOE prevent an individual from commenting at meetings if he/she confesses to masturbation?

    No they would not. If an elder slapped his monkey and confessed....he would not automatically lose his privledges either as has been stated by the society. However, if one was reaching out for the privledge( tm) of a position and had a monkey spankin problem, they would NOT appoint him until he got his monkey slappin under control............which means everytime your monkey raises his head, you slap him and say.."DOWN BOY, DOWN"!!!!!............. ( pay no mind to the last sentence)


  • oldflame

    As Gumballs runs to the bathroom to tame his monkey........LOL

  • luna2

    Tattling is about the only thing a good dub can do for fun that won't be discouraged and disparaged

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