The cancer has changed my wife

by outoftheorg 37 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • outoftheorg


    blood root and laetril etc is the herbel capsules she is now trying. Lets hope it works.

    Thanks for your interest.


  • ferret

    outoftheorg and donna in our prayers

  • Mary

    Hi outoftheorg..........I've sent you a PM.


  • LDH

    Out and Donna,

    "sorry" doesn't feel sufficient but it's all I have. I don't have any advice, never having walked this path. But, you might enjoy remembering the good times together.

    I have also heard of a mom who died of cancer and before she passed, she video-recorded herself giving advice, love, affirmation to her family so that they could watch it when she was gone.

    Now I wish I had demanded help from the kids!..They worked but could have taken time off.

    This is horrible.


  • Country_Woman

    (((( Outoftheorg & Donna ))))

    I can't offer any advice, I only can say that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  • looking_glass

    I am so sorry outoftheorg to hear of your current family situation. I know of a family friend whose sister was diagnosed w/ breast cancer, she underwent alternative medicine procedures and she lived for around 7 years. Her AMA docs only gave her a year at the most.

    It is hard in the states because alternative care is kind of looked down upon, but I think it has many more opitions and is open to the patient as opposed to saying I am the doc and this is what you are going to get. I do believe that there are holistic practitioners that deal with stress both on the level of the physically ill individual as well as the person who is supporting them emotionally. You may want to look into that in your area.

    As for the possible estate issues, it is sad but true, there are many a cases where a family falls apart over money. It is the ulgy side of humanity.

    I send thoughts of peace for you and your wife.

  • hubert

    Outoftheorg.....thoughts and prayers go out to you and Donna.

    Hubert and wife

  • MsMcDucket
    I am going to see my Dr. about dealing with the stress and if any of you have a sure thing ha ha let me know OK?

    Coming from a person that has dealt with and is dealing with a spouse who has a castastrophic illness, yes, you do need to get yourself some support. My husband's doctor told me that the illness is just as hard on the spouse. My husband didn't die from the cancer, but he was and is hard to deal with at times. (Don't tell him I said that )

    The only thing that I can tell you is to not let this illness make you become a Jehovah's Witness. That's what I did. It was a bad decision. I guess, I'm trying to say talk about your decisions with someone who can really be objective.

    I know it sounds cliche', but hang in there!

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