What comment will you make at the New Light Watchtower Study this weekend

by jwfacts 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jwfacts

    GBSJG just made a comment that the Watchtower will feature the article on 'New Light' this weekend. What a perfect opportunity for a visiting brother to a congregation (or incognito apostate) to answer with some honest and thought provoking comments. Maybe:

    "I find it interesting that the Watchtower criticises some religions for not changing their old doctrines and creeds, and other religions that do progressively change them for having had them wrong in the first place, and yet we seem to be doing the same ourselves."


    "The understanding of 1914 was changed to be the beginning of Jesus invisible presence rather than the date for Armageddon. That is an example of progressive light. But what I can't understand is how Rutherford's many years of preaching that millions now living would never die because the ressurection would come in 1925 was new light. That was just plain wrong. I want to believe, but that seems to prove that holy spirit does not direct the organisation".

    What are some other comments worth making, and who has the guts to do it, I don't think it do yet.

  • luna2

    I only think I ever heard a real, non-WTS approved comment a handful of times in my entire experience as a meeting-attending dub. The person who had the audacity to make such a comment was quickly "corrected" and the question re-asked until the conductor got the regurgitated-crap answer, directly lifted from the paragraph, that he was looking for. I know the poor brothers who foolishly thought that they could say what they really thought out loud were approached after the meeting for some one on one attitude adjustment.

    Still it would be kind of interesting to shake things up with something more thought-provoking for a change...just to see the reaction. lol

  • vitty

    So what is the new light comment ? or can you redirect me to the post



    It's not actual new light. But in another thread I mentioned that this weeks WT study article is kind of a history lesson and discusses a few new light that has changed doctrines in the past.

  • James Free
    James Free

    yes, if someone 'get's it wrong' by straying from the published answer, he will either be corrected by the WT conductor or someone n the audience - usually an Elder. After that, the person won't be asked to comment again. It's not a WT dicussion, it's a read and repeat session.

  • diamondblue1974

    This always used to annoy me at the meetings...they called it the Watchtower Study but it was anything but a study.

    I remember last year I was in a lecture and it was one of those rare occasions where our lecturer was plainly wrong...and respectfully I pointed out why I thought this was the case and with supporting arguments...it turned out I was right and the lecturer thanked me for making the point and drawing it to his attention. I wasnt taken to one side after the lecture and given 'attitude adjustment' and I wasnt thrown out of the lecture for making the point I did.

    This is the clear difference between the style of learning the WTS expect you to adopt and the style of learning they wish you to avoid...I wonder why?


  • James Free
    James Free
    I remember last year I was in a lecture and it was one of those rare occasions where our lecturer was plainly wrong...and respectfully I pointed out why I thought this was the case and with supporting arguments...it turned out I was right and the lecturer thanked me for making the point and drawing it to his attention. I wasnt taken to one side after the lecture and given 'attitude adjustment' and I wasnt thrown out of the lecture for making the point I did.

    I had this experience too when I was in University. With the WT, you blindly accept it or get 'corrected'. Even when the Elder actually agrees with you, he will say not to jump ahead of the Org. but wait patiently.

    What I always wondered was, if they have so much Holy Spirit guiding them, how come both of us could see they were wrong and they could not!

  • diamondblue1974
    What I always wondered was, if they have so much Holy Spirit guiding them, how come both of us could see they were wrong and they could not!


  • Crumpet

    I only wish I dared! I think your comments DB were so accurate. I was thinking about this this morning - if you belong to any organisation religious or otherwise that fears and actually bans you from asking questions then you really have to reassess your affiliation with them. If there is nothing to hide then that organisation has nothing to fear from even the most minute investigation. The fact that the watchtower does not even stand up to the loosest of scrutiny tells me all I need to know.

  • diamondblue1974
    if you belong to any organisation religious or otherwise that fears and actually bans you from asking questions then you really have to reassess your affiliation with them. If there is nothing to hide then that organisation has nothing to fear from even the most minute investigation. The fact that the watchtower does not even stand up to the loosest of scrutiny tells me all I need to know.

    Thought and mind control at its very best if you ask me!

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