Ever have a part on a convention or assembly?

by Frog 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Let's see ... four times to be exact.

    One ministry school talk, a part about young people (I was one of three interviewed) and two none-speaking parts in dramas.

    Rub a Dub

  • Elsewhere


    DAY 4 KINGDOM DAY / 11:40 AM DRAMA: Beware of Rebellious Talk

    I was in the Beware of Rebellious Talk Drama.

    I was in first grade at the time and played the part of a little kid. I was in the group who remained "Loyal to Jehover" and survived. My parents played the part of two people who were in the "other" group who were not "Loyal to Jehover". They were swallowed up in the ground during the big earth quake and fire raining from the sky.

    Ohhhhh, the irony!

  • unclebruce

    I think the first was aged 10 in 1967 when I played Lot in the 'childrens drama' at Semaphore Town Hall Adelaide SA. I think it was the only time an all children drama was put on. I know my gestures got a lot of laughs.

    My sisters still rib me that I offered them to the poofter gang outside.

    Dramas™ were great fun. The american accent sounded pretty funny. Especially the deep and drawn out "j e h o o v a a r™". In 1973 in PNG I was given several parts in the 'life of Paul™' drama at the last minute by an overloaded bro. That was scarey. But the street kids that followed me like flies loved it (some attendant tried to kick them out of the theatre - can you believe that lol

    I was used as a 'fine example™' of 'serving jehovah in your youth™'more times than I can remmember (what a wally).


  • Frog
    Ohhhhh, the irony!

    lol Else! from what you've told me of your family story I've have to say there's definitely irony in that lol x

  • mcsemike

    Smoking a cigarette?? Idiots. Don't they have anything to do better with their time. Do you realize how much time and money goes into each drame? Why don't they send THAT money to African K. Halls?? Hey WT if you're reading this page (and you are naughty and going to hell if you do, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander), I want to say, "GET A LIFE". Your pathetic programs put people to sleep. But at least, half the audience got a pre-lunch sleep. They sure won't get one during the lunch break, what with looking for bathrooms to use and hiding a cold beer they brought in their coolers. That's all that got me through the conventions.

    You bozos want to put on a drama? Why don't you reenact the 1980 witch hunts you started at Bethel. THAT would make a decent show. It beats two dramas, exactly the same, each at opposite ends of the stadium and both sets of characters trying to lip sync to a broken tape. That was funny as hell. I'd rather watch Monty Python.

  • Woofer

    I was in a drama at the District Convention. This was about 12 years ago . .I had a non speaking role, but I had to dress up like the women did in Jesus day. I remember a congregation that was close to mine had all these costumes in their attic and we went there and pick some out that fit. It was kinda fun actually.


    I was in numerous parts, but mostly in demonstrations or the faux Daily Text. You know the ones where the JW family actually sits down for breakfast to review the day's text. The last one I was in will be recounted in My Story. It should be a hoot.

  • tijkmo

    yes ..first time was in the wt study mentioned by someone earlier..then constant during teen years as a pioneer and ms at ca and dc..then as an elder on circuit assemblies...i gave a great anti-education talk...and a wt that is still talked about based on braveheart...'they can take our lives but they will never take our freedom'..someone suggested i should have worn facepaint..elders schools too...never got to do a drama but hey i got plenty latterly

  • NewYork44M

    I was interviewed at a district assembly as a new elder. The interview was essentially to focus on various people who had an influence on my spiritual life. While I was at the beginning stages of a long long fade I agreed to the part.

    I used the opportunity to talk about my mother who died several years prior. While I was struggling about my spirituality I was very happy that I was able to say some very personal things about my mother in front of several thousand people. In retrospect, the pain that I suffered in my long journey out of the cult was somewhat mitigated by the opportunity of saying some veray special things about my mother and her untimely death.

  • willyloman

    Yes, numerous times, which was remarkable when you consider that a handful of brothers in any circuit usually have a monopoly on the parts. They get all the visible talks and dole out the announcements, experiences, and other "fillers" on a rotating basis to other elders who stand lower on some invisible ladder.

    Most of the elders in my old congo were used at every circuit and district gathering, so I benefited from that and got my share of parts. This is fairly comon when a congo has elders who used to be COs or bethelites. It helps if some of the elders also made a lot of money, enabling them to be extremely generous to the CO when he visited. In that case, it almost always followed that you'd to go to the circuit assembly and see 80% of the parts delivered by five or six guys from that congo. When you had both -- "prominent" elders as well as wealthy ones (sometimes that was the same thing), you had a showcase congregation and lots of good things (from the dub perspective) came your way.

    These showcase congos become the CO's favorite whistle stop on his semi-annual tour. A week at such a congo meant shopping for clothes with the elders' wives, new suits, fine dining, and the ever popular "green handshake." And this generosity was rewarded with the only currency COs have at their disposal: prestige and position. I could tell you a story about one very wealthy elder who befriended a CO the extent that he and his wife would drive over to neighboring congos to take the CO out to dinner while he was serving over there. When I asked him about that once, he said there was no one in that particular congo who could afford to take the CO and his wife out to eat (well, sure, if your destination is a 5-star restaurant). Can you imagine?

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