Roll Up the Rim to Win~ Truly a Loving Provision of Jehovah

by damselfly 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mkr32208

    the only person I know who ever won a car was my grandparents at disney about 15 years ago and they won it BECAUSE my grandfather (ass) pushed ahead of some people and got in their spot!

    So was god rewarding him for being a pushy assbag?

  • damselfly
    So was god rewarding him for being a pushy assbag?

    If he was a JW then I would have to go with yes.

  • damselfly

    It's my lucky day! You know it's Canadian because its bilingual.


  • Lapuce

    Well the circuit overseer won a few years back here in Quebec, But since the WBTS did give him a car already, I guess he sold it and send all the money to the bethel..... what a waste....

  • Scully

    I can think of a few Circuit Overseers™ who I could give this one to:

  • unclebruce

    My youngest sister Angela has entered every comp in the known universe and won a lot of prizes, from trips overseas to a years supply of 'no more cracks'. The best prize by far must surely be her control freak, straightlaced Elder Hubby ... ah who'd be a woman

    Hi angela please log on and see this! ...nup .. her 'puters stuck on win a

    pissed as a judge, unclebruce

  • Scully

    Are any of you Canucks going to buy some of the 29 million shares of Tim Hortons stock that went on the market today (@ $27/ea)??

    I'm really liking the idea that every time a JW goes there on Coffee Break™ while Out In Service™, I'm making some money off them! LOL

  • Gregor

    Isn't it interesting how the JW 'little people" learn the art of intrepreting 'signs and portents' on their own after being exposed to the good example of the Society professionals?? How do you like the following convenient reasoning:

    The Watchtower told us about a witness who lived in a bad neighborhood who had stayed home from the meeting one night (implying that they didn't have a good excuse) and was killed by a stray bullet that came through the living room window. "If they had gone to the meeting they would have had JoeHoba's protection"

    Less than a week after this there was a local elder who was killed by a drunk driver who ran a stop sign. In his funeral talk the scripture that talks about "time and unforseen circumstances befall us all" was used to explain how such a bad thing could happen to one of JoeHoba Dodds good people.

    We don't exactly have a coffee cup "roll up the rim" contest out here on the left coast but we do have a promotion going on with a similar idea, only it's for condoms.

  • Lapuce

    I guess anything random can be seen by the JW's as a sign of god... Makes their life more thrilling I guess


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