Rutherford was a drunk and an adulterer?

by Surreptitious 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Surreptitious

    Just got back online and haven't finished Farkel's rather long thread but thank you for the references Lady Lee. That's what I wanted to see...first hand documentation. Greendawn, yes I agree, his drinking seems to be an uncontested fact. At least he was doing something right! BTW, is Malcolm still alive?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    BTW, is Malcolm still alive?

    Keep reading Farkel's thread. I think they talk more about him in there. Or it could be in one of the other threads.

    Generally we work pretty hard to confirm or disprove the stories that are posted. Every now and then someone comes along with another rumor and we either groan "Not again" or it gets researched to prove one way or another.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Bonnie_Clyde said:

    I think it likely there were more than three at his funeral.

    You're right, I was mistaken, there were four.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    That is so bizarre! It's hard to believe that the beloved president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society would only have four at his funeral. But I do believe you Lady Lee.

  • Johnny

    I see where you're coming from. The only problem is, with regards to this issue, what sort of authentication would exist, aside from what people saw and said, and some circumstantial evidence? Probably very little.

    I know people who knew him personnaly, and whom I trust, who have confirmed these allegations. But I couldn't ask you to believe me.

    I believe, as in other things, each one has to use common sense and do some research on there own to feel convinced that these things are so.

  • wombat

    Johnny...Warm welcome...You are correct in never assuming anything.

    Don't believe anyone. Search for yourself..

    The answers are out there. There's a lot of stuff here to go through.

  • metatron

    As a child, I can tell you that Rutherford's conduct with the opposite sex was a subject only discussed when the kids weren't

    ( apparently) listening. Lots of people looked the other way, in regard to his drinking and personal life.


  • serendipity

    Hi johnny, welcome to the forum!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I know people who knew him personnaly, and whom I trust, who have confirmed these allegations. But I couldn't ask you to believe me.

    I think the importance of what you have heard is that the same information is coming from many different sources. It isn't hearsay when larc was related to someone who knew and lived with Rutherford. Then we get info from other people who have credible sources.

    Now if we got info that says :Well I know a brother who has a cousin who was room-mates with..." then it is harder to find that credible

  • Farkel


    You said:

    :Bonnie Boyd did, and before she died she said that JFR was a husband to her in every way. I wonder what she meant? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

    That would be Berta Peale, not Bonny Boyd. It might be possible dat da Judge boinked da Bonnie, but it is nearly impossible to deny that he didn't boink Berta.


    It's all here and I broke the news first (thanks to the info from my friend and our recently late poster Carl Thornton, Ph.D

    Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Bonnie and Berta (da Judge was an adulterer, alright)


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