Don't get the phone... it's Satan!

by Virgochik 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Virgochik

    My mom always warned her new studies that Satan would take notice right away that they were studying the Truth. She would give examples, so they would recognize the Devil's activities for what they were. Sure enough, the phone rang during a study just as Mom asked the lady to read a scripture. Mom: "See? It's HIM!" Studylady:" It's who?" Mom: "It's the Old Boy Himself, interrupting our study! It's Satan using that telephone!" The poor study was really flustered. She wanted to answer the phone but mom was sure it was a test. Ring, ring went the phone. Mom kept urging studylady not to get up. "No! It's only Satan the Devil! Don't give in to his machinations. He wants to ruin your concentration on the scripture!" Then the lady's child started crying in the back room. Mom said, "See? The Old Boy is pulling out all the stops!" Needless to say, the woman was freaked out and stopped being home for her studies. Was anyone here warned that Satan would try to prevent their learning the true religion when they started a study? Did any of you tell their Bible studies to watch out for the tricks of Satan?

  • Elsewhere

    I wonder if the Old Boy himself will try to kill this thread!

  • Spectre

    I remember stuff like that. Which just made me remember a story of how someone went to a door and it was a some palm reader or something. She was absolutely furious at the witnesses because the demons told her that they were too busy to do any parlor tricks anymore for her because "the time of the end was here" and the demons needed to do whatever was needed to break up witness families.

    I heard this over 20 years ago when I was about 16 or so. It's really incredible that this was fairly "normal" and unquestioned everyday event.

  • Elsewhere
    She was absolutely furious at the witnesses because the demons told her that they were too busy to do any parlor tricks anymore for her because "the time of the end was here" and the demons needed to do whatever was needed to break up witness families.

    I heard this over 20 years ago

    lol... so "the end" has been in progress for at lease 20 years now.

  • Virgochik

    The Dubs flatter themselves their studies will get immediate, personal attention from the Devil himself, in many clever forms. Of course, this is also a convenient way to cover losing a study becuz it was just plain boring! Uh, looks like Satan discouraged another potential sheep, such a shame. They were so interested too, but you know, Satan put so many stumbling blocks in the way!

  • Clam

    Haha Virgochick I've never heard that one before.

    "It's the Old Boy Himself, interrupting our study! It's Satan using that telephone!"

    She should have dialled last number recall. "You were called today at 11.17, the number was 800-666-666."

    Or would he be "number withheld?"

  • Legolas

    Yes I remember certain people saying that!

    Kind of the same thing....saying that as she was doing a 'door study' the phone would ring or the kid would interrupt or that someone would be coming over to visit blah blah blah...ha ha phone just rang..LOL..I guess it was the devil trying to interrupt me!

  • VM44

    I wonder what phone service Satan uses?

    He probably has a huge bill each month!


  • Chimene

    Oh my gosh, that was said at my book study almost every week! The phone always rang at least once, and that was always the excuse!

  • dvw

    ok, if i was satan, i would do exactly the opposite of what jehovah said i would do. instead of coming out of the pit after the 1000 years..... i would just sit around in there. i wouldnt gather everyone together for the "great war". i wouldnt do shit. as a matter of fact, i wouldnt try to steal people away from god. i would guide them directly to the one true religion. wouldnt that really F-up the whole bible? if satan was real why would he play along? he can read.

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