Mix JWs with a crazy HOA..........

by atypical 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • atypical

    On top of all the rumors and gossip that have been spread around since I quit going to meetings, I am now getting borderline harassed by the witness who lives a couple doors down. He happens to be on the HOA board, and he is a total prick who loves to point the finger. I have now gotten three letters for violations which are completely false. The last letter let me know that I am being charged $25.00, since they count the first two letters as first violations which I have not corrected. (Actually, I am not in violation at all).

    I know, what's $25, right? But where does it end? It's bad enough that he's got bookstudy and meetings for field service at his house, which means everyone gets to stare at my house and knock on my door. It's also bad enough that he reports stupid shit like "I saw him hanging out with a long-haired bearded guy" to the other witnesses at the hall.

    But now he is taking it to another level.

    I sent a letter to the Property Management company asking to help them find a way to keep one homeowner from abusing the HOA to their own advantage. I also stated that this man is deliberately harassing me for religious reasons. I am waiting on a response.

    Thanks for letting me rant. The worst part is that I realize any retaliation on my part will only add to my "angry xjw" reputation I seem to be getting around town.


  • collegegirl21

    I'm sorry that he's being a dick, just remember that you are or are trying to be more mature and don't stoop down to his mentality level. If you want me to come and kick him in the shins I will :)

  • atypical

    Thanks collegegirl, I might take you up on that!

    My basic instinct is to drag him out of his house and kick his ass, but I am trying to fight instinct.

  • GoingGoingGone
    My basic instinct is to drag him out of his house and kick his ass, but I am trying to fight instinct.

    Yeah, nah, I wouldn't go with that, either. That type of thing tends to leave marks and doesn't go over big with HOAs!!

    Sorry you're going through this! I never understand this vendetta thing when someone stops going to meetings! It's like the rest of the dubs see you as fair game for anything!

    Hope the HOA takes action against him!


  • Chimene

    Hey, wait a minute, if he's on the HOA, like my best friend, she has to send out those letters, that means he is the treasurer, isn't that a big Jdub no no?

    My daughter was voted vice president of the beta club in junior high, and I was given hell about that. Isn't this the same in a way?

  • GoingGoingGone
    Hey, wait a minute, if he's on the HOA, like my best friend, she has to send out those letters, that means he is the treasurer, isn't that a big Jdub no no?

    Oh yeah, that's a good point! BIG no-no! Next thing you know, he'll be registering for a political party and running for president or something. I think he should be reported immediately to the local body of elders.

    GGG (of the I Really Hate HOAs class)

  • atypical

    You may be right. I'm not sure - but it's worth checking into. I'm going to search the CD-Rom. I could call his PO and report him!!!! Tit for tat, and all that.

  • atypical

    Oh, and he is an MS, so if that is really a no-no, he could be in hot water.

    Thanks, my day just got better.

  • daystar

    Ex-JWs represent!!

  • Chimene
    You may be right. I'm not sure - but it's worth checking into. I'm going to search the CD-Rom. I could call his PO and report him!!!! Tit for tat, and all that.

    Yeah! kick him where it hurts! the icehole!

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